• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Jmans 2012/2013 Aussie growlog

This is my second year growing, first grow log.

Sorry havn't talked to anyone lately, had few health issues + work issues. Having alot of issues with my feet atm, making it hard for me to do gardening. Have afew plants to uproot this year, most my plants are still going well outdoors. I should have some early starting bhuts, aji lemons, butch T's, this season(should say next season winter only started lol). Still have some pods growing too, lowest temps here are about 10c.

Just started soaking my seeds

starting with 8 varieties

Zimbabwe Birdseye (from chilliseedbank.com.au instead of random nursery this time)
Rocoto red
Asian birdseye (cambodian variety off a friend)
Hungarian black

Eight varieties. Now, that makes sense!
Good luck 'next' season, jman!
Figured it was about time I updated my glog, its only been what, 5 months.

Out of my first batch of seeds most didn't survive. I have 3 big jims, a black hungarian, a Jalapeno, and 1 or 2 anuums and my one and only Fatalli which I have no more seeds. Tomorrow I will re-pot these babies.

Black Hungarian

Big jims


Now my older plants that I started at the end of last summer are starting to come good.

Choc bhut jolokia

Bih jolokia, and it is growing my very first superhot pods! :dance:


Butch T scop's, I have 3 of these plants.

Aji lemon, looking strong and about to flower.

I've also got myself a baby rocoto that I don't have a picture of atm. So far this season is looking good.

Hopefully it won't take 5 months for me to up date this thread again.
I know all too well about seeds going to seedlings, then meeting the Grim Reaper. But what you have looks great! That Bih Jolokia is jammin'! When you say you have a baby Rocoto, do you mean a baby plant, or a plant with a baby pod?

Good luck!
I know all too well about seeds going to seedlings, then meeting the Grim Reaper. But what you have looks great! That Bih Jolokia is jammin'! When you say you have a baby Rocoto, do you mean a baby plant, or a plant with a baby pod?

Good luck!
The four leaf kind of baby. ;)

Not sure what these are, no tags from me being lazy.

I've changed over to Debco, just added abit of blood and bone.

Hope you are over your health issues ... onwards and upwards and hotwards :D

Thanks Trippa, still have issues but I'm on my way to getting on top of things. Had some chilli at a friends place yesterday and burned my mouth out. :mouthonfire: . Good start to a hot summer. :cool:
Hmm, I'm thinking about getting some buckets. Not to use as pots, but to put my pots into to reduce how hot the pots can get in the summer. To help stop the root system from getting hot.

Heres one good reason to grow your own chilli. :confused: This was last month, the price now more like $30 a kilo.
Not much has changed in my garden last 2 weeks I've had some cold, and windy weather. Some of my plants got pushed over and I had to repot them. Some look a bit wonky but their ok, they weren't fully hardened before the wind hit them. I had to put in a support to help my only black hungarian as its roots had started to break at the base of the plant.

Interesting think I just noticed with my 2 Aji lemon plants. Both plants look the same but the pods are completely different shape. Gassy these are from your seeds. Any idea if they are anything else you could have sent me? Maybe a different Aji. can't wait for these guys to ripen, and see how they compare in flavour and colour.

Plant number one:


Plant number two:
Plants are looking good jayman. I had problems hardening my plants off too but they came good in the end. How's that Bhi Jolokia coming along?
Feels like I've been waiting for months for the pods to ripen on my bih jolokia, but the weather last few weeks has been crap for chilli plants. My Bih has alot of newer pods that just formed in the last few days. I'm so tempted to just eat a green one sometimes but I just have to hold on.

Hopefully I can get some seeds this weekend off a friend of the family, he is from Laos and his chilli is damn hot, they were apologising too me last time I ate it lol. :hell: