Joining the club

I have been consistently looking for trinidad scorpion seeds for the last few days and have been led to dead ends everytime. I know it seems that everyone is looking for these, and Im sure quite a few people on this site have atleast some seeds they can sell or trade. That or 7 pot. If anything like this, please let me know and I will be willing to work out a deal with you. Much appreciated.

Good growing,
Yea but on either of those sites you have to order atleast a certain amount you know? Im not trying to order what uh 12 or so plants and or seeds at the sametime :( I shall keep looooking!
Good luck to you, if I had any left I would offer them but I am out too.
No not certainly cheap at all. 15 bucks for like 5 seeds, but its supply and demand. There is a nursery here in maryland that sells 7 live trinidad species called valley view farms, and they dont ship plants and or seeds. But they have the scorpion there, so if I cant find seeds i can always get a live plant, even though I much prefer to raise them from seed :(