Jolokia Experts

I hates me some liars, cons, and thieves. The Bhut is getting to be common anymore and it shouldn't take long for the regular folks to get their heads together. Until they do I say we nuke the bad guys.
Is not common for sellers to lie? I've had sellers at pet stores lie to me about my animal I sold them. Treating me like I know nothing, till the people who know me let on that I'm the pro. But never admit there wrong, just hide when i'm droppng off next time. The Zoo's are not much better, as they think there are the pro by just working there. The more I've learned the more I understand the little I know. But you still got to love the lies coming out of the sales peoples mouths... LOL, LOL.... The fun part is bring other that know there to ask about things they will make up. Its alway fun when they bump into you in your circle and they understand they should be asking not telling. After all they've seen pixs of these animals so know all about them.
Ya, its sad when we have to tell seed companies and produce sellers what they are really selling :( You'd think they'd be experts but we are usually so far ahead of them in knowledge on this and other growing forums
Central Market is so Strange, I stopped by the one on Lovers Lane and they did not have any.

Just got back from CM and was very surprized to see Naga Jolokia...they are from Denmark...hell, I sure could have saved them some money...and no, I didn't buy any... :lol:

Naga Jolokia hmpfffff...they look like a Naga Morich to me...

I normally do not buy peppers when I don't associate the pod shape/size/texture with the name on the package...

Several discussions about the so-called Naga Jolokia have been posted on this forum...

If you are going to name something so the public will buy it, I am not interested...heck "Serpent Chili" would have been more accurate...

I'm just sayin'....
So here is the quick story. People in the office know that I have a pepper addiction, and they sometimes help me with it. Recently, a friend from India, brought me some “King” Chili seeds he got from his father for me. I had a shipment of seeds come in from the U of NM. (I wanted to grow them side by side to see and compare them. I was told that the native Jolokia from the Tejpur(Assam)region were smaller and than the ones from the U of NM.)

Anyway, Yesterday a girl in the office was shopping at Central Market in Plano and came across these and bought them for me.
They are marketed / grown by Uesugi Farms in Gilroy Ca.


Back Clam Shell


A quick Google search looks like they also grow pumpkins and are in the argi-entertainment business.

What confused by was they are a lot smaller than I expected and more like the Philiringi Jololia that Frontal Agritech offers.

These look just like the Caribbean Red Habaneros I grew last season.
Wal-mart frequently mislabels peppers too. They have a box of dried peppers labeled as "japonese" which are actually anchos. Japonese is a long skinny chile that looks absolutely nothing like an ancho (dried poblano).

It is also funny that they can't seem to spell anything correctly, and it's not even hand-written, it is on printed signs. Poblanos are labeled as "Pablano". Tomatillos are labeled as "tomatillas".

I also see "habanero" written and pronounced as "habañero" a lot.
How much are the stores selling these Bhut Jolokia's for anyway??? The real and the fake, just curious cause they don't get sold at the stores in my area. Still waiting on my plants to fruit up so I can see what I got from U NM. I have 4 plants now and they should be 2 Bhut Jolokia and 2 Red Caribbean Habanero.

Those a some nice looking plants. I like the setup. What are you using for lighting?
How much are the stores selling these Bhut Jolokia's for anyway??? The real and the fake, just curious cause they don't get sold at the stores in my area. Still waiting on my plants to fruit up so I can see what I got from U NM. I have 4 plants now and they should be 2 Bhut Jolokia and 2 Red Caribbean Habanero.

Those a some nice looking plants. I like the setup. What are you using for lighting?
It's about a 10'x10' space that I plastic walled in so I could heat it to more than 80. I use the T5 8 bulb light. It's 3' or so off the table and 2' ish off the plant tops. 4 red/blue bulbs. The flowers started to open as soon as I got it above 80. Still waiting for the first fruit.