the tip of a toothpick,in my sauce,ect.I mean has anyone ever heard of,or tried making it?
Cap is cap no matter what pepper it comes from. The only difference is some peppers have more than others the end product is the same......and why would you ruin it by making an oleoresin with that nasty "chemical" flavor??
Everclear,Bhuts.Here's what I got;1/4 l.b.Bhuts,ground to a pulp in a mortar and pestle,grind in 5 oz of everclear 1 at a time.Let stand overnite in covered container.Stir now and then.Stain through strainer and filter.Microwave 2 min. at a time on low power to evaporate liquid without letting it boil...looks like about a teaspoon of pure oil.Comparatively I have yielded 4 oz. of oil from 10 l.b. of habenero's.What do you use for a solvent? and what type of jolokias are you using?