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Jolokia Pollination

My jolokia finally has a bunch of flowers and i was reading that using a paintbrush somehow you can pollinate it with that? would like to get some fatty pods need help?:hell:
brush, finger, lots of ways. as long as the pollen gets from flower to stigma I don't think it really matters. if you take a damp brush to the flower you'll see all the pollen on it. then brush it onto the stigma of the flower you wish to pollinate. You can also shake your plants for a few seconds each day which may help ensuring fertilization.
i used to polinate with my pinky finger. never failed. this year i didn't pollenate anything and got a ton of fruit.

pawwwwlenneight Every time i spell it, i screw it up. bleh
Depends :) Which Jolokia do you have? If it's Naga Jolokia Tezpur PC-1 which is frutescens, you may do nothing. Mine makes tons of pollen flying everywhere :) But my chinenses do not produce pollen at all and I do not know why :(
I might have to try this, seeing as though leaving it to mother nature is not working for my bhut's. 2 peppers from 3 plants ain't good.
its a bhut. my three healthiest are at the front line fatalii 7pod adn bhut jolokia. fatalii has a bunch of pods on already 7pod has no flowers yet. and jolokia has had flowers soo def trying the hand pollination on this one for sure. thanx for help.
Chiles are self pollinating and do not need to be hand pollinated. I used to think it helped but now I never hand pollinate and even my indoor and greenhouse plants grow heaps of pods.

Edited: I just re-read the post and realise you're not having pollination issues:)
POTAWIE, sometimes low pollen is producing. So some shaking or using fan is really helpful to make them set fruits.
+1 Shaking or using a fan will help set pollen and help strengthen your plant. Many greenhouses use leaf blowers or electric tooth brushes