auction jolokias for auction

I started growing a jolokia plant a couple of years ago, in a container. the first year I got a whopping 15 pods off of it, this year I'm working on the 200 mark on harvest. I've made the obligatory pot of chili that no one could eat but me, I've eaten a couple with dinner, produced some salsa that made a grown man cry, stuffed 30 or so into a vinegar bottle, dried a string of them, mailed boxes of them to unsuspecting friends, even dried a few pods up and ground them up for a buddy to load into 12 gauge shells for less than lethal rounds. I have 50'ish pods dried and probably more than that hanging on the plant, ripe and ready to go.

my apologies I'm rather new to all of this, as a full count, I have roughly 55 dried pods, and I just picked 179 fresh red pods. give me a minute to figure out how to post a pic. I guess that brings up the total count on the plant (overall) to something like 325 the link to the image is as follows:

I don't have the time to do a ton of research to find a fair asking price, so I'm just going to auction, I figure wednesday morning I'll contact the winner, and go from there.
Agree. How much are you asking? Is this a straight sale, or are you doing an auction? Also, people on the forum like pics. That would greatly help you to get some possible takers.
Agree. How much are you asking? Is this a straight sale, or are you doing an auction? Also, people on the forum like pics. That would greatly help you to get some possible takers.

Honestly I'm a bit overwhelmed by how many I actually had, what are the rules for doing an auction on here?