chinense Judy's Chocolate Bhutlah

Despite all the rain , now nights in the 50's high's low 70's last few days and unusually cool summer , the bhutlahs are holding their own . some very nice looking pods on the plants . Glad i grew some out , love their powered flavor !  
Twice the Spice said:
Nice pods! sounds like your summer and my summer have been pretty close weather wise.
awful summer , it was predicted in the farmers almanac , worse yet calls for a wet and cool july !   not much for pool weather either .  
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Interesting...just saw a FB post claiming this as the worlds hottest pepper :) Just was eating one on a video
i don't believe these a the 3 way cross ones .  these are hot but great flavor . 
I just picked my first one today. The plants grow super fast and big. Here is my first pod

I posted a few pictures on another forum, on March 15th here were some seedlings. The bhutlahs are on the left and some improved reapers were just sprouting on the right.
3 1/2 months later, the bhutlahs are on the right, and the reapers are on the left in this picture.
cycadjungle said:
I just picked my first one today. The plants grow super fast and big. Here is my first pod

I posted a few pictures on another forum, on March 15th here were some seedlings. The bhutlahs are on the left and some improved reapers were just sprouting on the right.
3 1/2 months later, the bhutlahs are on the right, and the reapers are on the left in this picture.
yes, they do grow quickly and big . thats a good thing , i love their flavor !  what size pot you growing in ? 
I'm growing them in 3s, but now that I see how big they get, I have already started some in 7s. Typically, first year plants don't fill a 7 by the end of the year, but these look like they can handle it. I'll probably put on some triple super phosphate after I pot them up I'm 7s, which makes the roots grow 3 times faster, and maybe they will fill to 7s by the end of the year. I'm training one into a standard (form of a tree) because I think it will work well. If it bushes out nice, I will post a picture sometime. I think bhutlah trees would be cool. I can see these getting to be monsters in a 15, yet alone a 25, but I have a hard time moving 25s as I get older. I have 68 plants to test pods from each and every plant before I choose the best 10 to go on to breed for next year. These I will put in larger pots next year.
cycadjungle said:
I'm growing them in 3s, but now that I see how big they get, I have already started some in 7s. Typically, first year plants don't fill a 7 by the end of the year, but these look like they can handle it. I'll probably put on some triple super phosphate after I pot them up I'm 7s, which makes the roots grow 3 times faster, and maybe they will fill to 7s by the end of the year. I'm training one into a standard (form of a tree) because I think it will work well. If it bushes out nice, I will post a picture sometime. I think bhutlah trees would be cool. I can see these getting to be monsters in a 15, yet alone a 25, but I have a hard time moving 25s as I get older. I have 68 plants to test pods from each and every plant before I choose the best 10 to go on to breed for next year. These I will put in larger pots next year.
i like that idea my friend !  keep me posted on that , i know what you mean about moving them around as age creeps upon us . the one i have in the garden are huge , lot bigger than the ones in 7 gal. and 5 gallon buckets .    :onfire:

While not Judy's, these are Douglah x Choc Bhuts from a year or 2 before the Bhutlah made its appearance..."D'bhuts" lol

On the plant, these are just meaner then hell, and running with evil ooze on the inside.I tried a few Bhutlah's last year....not quite as hot, not as much ooze either- but with heat levels as this high, the difference is probably ridiculous to bitch about :fireball: .
Hopefully I have 1 or 2 that made it through the "purge " this year :shh: ......
gnslngr said:

While not Judy's, these are Douglah x Choc Bhuts from a year or 2 before the Bhutlah made its appearance..."D'bhuts" lol

On the plant, these are just meaner then hell, and running with evil ooze on the inside.I tried a few Bhutlah's last year....not quite as hot, not as much ooze either- but with heat levels as this high, the difference is probably ridiculous to bitch about :fireball: .
Hopefully I have 1 or 2 that made it through the "purge " this year :shh: ......
oh yeah !  gnarly !  got some on looking' just like them .      :onfire:
Great looking pods, MW & Hottoddy! I too love this strain. It's probably my highest producing plant so far. I've only gotten a couple of ripe pods so far, but the plant is loaded. This pod was started indoors then finished to ripen outside in the ground. While still an early pod, as you can tell by the underdeveloped seeds, it had a ton of oil in it. Probably the hottest pod I've ever tried...and I only ate 1/4 of it. Lol.

I'm not much for the floral taste, but the jays PGS are one of my favorites, too. The few I've tried had more of a Bhut flavor. My Bhutlah from Judy are far from ripening, but here are a couple pics to give an idea of how big and what shape mine are taking on.


Those are what mine look like right now too. Managed to get a bit of a harvest out of them, but there's a bunch more on the way. Seem to be great producers. Mine have more of a hab flavor than I care for. Plenty of heat though!
