• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

JUR-Z Devil Kinda Sorta Not A Glog Yet For GIP

Well GIP made the point to say to me and i quote​
"people here like looking at pepper photos even if they seem like you used a potato for a lens :lol:"​
Because I am OCD and explained I need a better camera first...​
So, for GIP and others who just love pics regardless, i will do what i can till the new camera materializes...​
Before I move them out and replant them in red solo cups for the rest of their indoor life here are some pics of about 80 plants started 1st week of december and another 30 or so started mid january.. also my overwinters mixed with my herbs...​
I apologize, but i dont even have a zoom on this old camera phone...​
1st pic, my personal plants for this seasons crop of pods and seed stock both open and isolated this year:​
63+ varieties so far above ground 23 or so still waiting to germinate.. 19 germinating as i write this...​
over 100 before season starts​
Above ground so far....​
Reaper - Moruga - Douglah - Chocolate Bhutlah "crazy hot seeds shitty version" - Butch T - Naga Viper - Peach Ghost - Dorset Naga - 7 Pot Red Giant - 7 Pot Barrackpore - Bhutlah Scorpion - CP 115 - Chocolate Bhutlah SM - Apocalypse - MA Wartyx -​
MA Daisy Cutter - MA Faces - MA Purple Naga Viper - Pink Tiger - BBG7 x PDN - BBG7 Y x Moruga Yellow - BBG7 White -​
BBG7 Orange - BBG7 Chocolate - BBG Mamp - Bleeding Butch T - Bleeding Borg 9 - TSL x BBG7 Orange - Mini Peach Ghost -​
Mojo Scoundrel - Chocolate Brain Strain - Yellow Brain Strain - Red Brain Strain - Black Bhutlah Scorpion - 7 Pot Brown -​
Peter Pepper - Cayenne - CPR - BTR - Orange Long Tail Scorpion - Brazilian Moruga - Jigsaw Moruga - Kraken - Peach Naga -​
Big Mustard Mama - Big Black Mama - Big Yellow Mama - Big Red Mama - Bishop Crown - Chocolate Moruga - Mojo Red -​
Borg 9 - Rouge Noir - Mutant Candlelight - Chocolate Lava - Naga Brain Red - Red Savina -Scotch Brains - Jigsaw - TS Cardi -​
Brazilian Ghost - UBSC Brown - Chocolate Madballz​
They are a nice green in real life and the dark ones are near black... this camera phone picks up all the yellow though...​
That back wall is pure white...​
Still need the following as had no luck with mine :
Bolivian Rainbow, Numex Twilight, Gengis Kahn Brains, Chocolate and Mustard Moruga brains, Red Yellow And Chocolate Naga Brains, Aji Omnicolor and other delicious Aji's, Rocotos, Chocolate Borg 9, Armagedon, Sepia Serpent, MRM 7 pot brown Peach and red, Bhutlah Bubblegum red and chocolate, Naglah Beast, Trepadeira Do Werner, Murupi Amarela, Aji Fantasy, Coyote Zan White, Sugar Rush, Aji Oro, Sangria, Medusa, Tein Tsin, Starfish, Orchid, Nosegay, Takanotsume, Masquerade, ARIBIBI GUSANO, Centenial, pretty in purple, poinsettia, prairie fire, Yatsufusa, Royal Black, Aurora, Any weirdos or beauties or oddballs, probably out of space, but shit is addicting...​
Pic #2 Just my 10 overwinters...​
pic #3 watering bin with about 50 of the plants ill probably sell in may started december 1st above ground before dec 7th...​
Reapers, Douglahs, Morugas, cp115, Chocolate Bhutlah, pink tiger, bbg x pdn, 7 pot brown..and more​
well thats that for now... ill post what i can and hopefully find a better camera...​