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just a matter of timing

This is a kinda off topic, topic. My son is home from school and his buds like to get together after getting some bhut jolokias and have there pod eating parties or whatever they do. He just texted me to see if I had anything still on the vine.
Sadly, all is done.
I am just thinking how this is going to turn out 9 months from now when I get this opportunity again. I think I am going to introduce them to a whole new world of HEAT :fire: :D
How about getting them to play a guessing game:
Red Habanero, Orange Habanero, Mustard Habanero (etc) - which is hottest ?!
Not really the hottest types I admit, but perhaps more readily available than:
7 Pot, 7 Pot Douglah, 7 Pot Evergreen, and the list goes on ...
I guess they could do that. The game could be rather long then, I plan to have close to 100 different hot/nuclear chilis this season. As said, they have been playing with bhuts, but I dont really know what that means. Whether they are nibbling at them or taking small peices. I doubt they are eating whole pods. I'll swing by with some of my powders tonight. I have one that should cure any cravings for heat. I know it does for me.