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Just ate my first whole orange hab...

This was about an hour ago.

It had an excelent taste. Almost citrus in flavor and sweet at first. Then the heat hit. At first it was a mild tingling that quickly turned into a raging inferno. It hit my lips first, then my tongue and throat. I could feel the burn working its way down into my belly, where it set up a bed of coals that is still smoldering.

My eyes started sweating and my ears got an itching/burning sensation.

I didn't drink anything or eat anything to take the heat away, I wanted the full experience.

I would rate it a 9 on my personal scale. :mouthonfire:

I might do this again next week and get a video.

BTW, stuffed habs is some good eatin!
Ratman667 said:
This was about an hour ago.

It had an excelent taste. Almost citrus in flavor and sweet at first. Then the heat hit. At first it was a mild tingling that quickly turned into a raging inferno. It hit my lips first, then my tongue and throat. I could feel the burn working its way down into my belly, where it set up a bed of coals that is still smoldering.

My eyes started sweating and my ears got an itching/burning sensation.

I didn't drink anything or eat anything to take the heat away, I wanted the full experience.

I would rate it a 9 on my personal scale. :mouthonfire:

I might do this again next week and get a video.

BTW, stuffed habs is some good eatin!

Well done! Check out the mmmm poppers thread in the cooking with fire forum. Lots of great habanero popper stuffings and goin's on. Those orange habs are great eats.

Salute', TB.
Great job! I like how you described your eyes were sweating. :lol: Thats a good code phrase for crying, I'll have to remember that. Soon you will be eating even hotter peppers, once you've mastered the orange hab.
Pepperfreak said:
Great job! I like how you described your eyes were sweating. :lol: Thats a good code phrase for crying, I'll have to remember that. Soon you will be eating even hotter peppers, once you've mastered the orange hab.

It wasn't tears though. It was sweat around my eyes. I didn't tear up until I burped. I was starting to cool off, then it was like throwing gas on a small flame.

It has been three hours since I ate it and my gut is still gurgling. No pain tho... I'm actually starting to miss the burn.
Oh...ok, sorry to infer that it was tears. If your gut is still on fire, try drinking some milk. That always seems to help me whenever I get what I term as Hab Stomach.
A bunch of us ate whole orange habs at work a few months ago. They were a LOT hotter than any of us thought they'd be. We've been working our way up to eating whole fresh Naga Morich peppers which my plants are working on producing for us, and the Orange Hab was a dry run.

I remember thinking "this isn't so bad" for the first minute or two. Fast forward two minutes and I was pacing around and sucking air like a broken shop vac.

My mouth felt like a lava cave. Every part of it was on fire. Every time I breathed out through my mouth it burned hot. I drank two diet cokes. A coworker drank so much cold liquid that he resorted to taking a mouthful of cold coke, and then spitting it into a cup repeatedly.

Half of us went for the milk, but I abstained and paid for it with 3 1/2 hours of stomach burning the remainder of the afternoon.

I think the Naga is going to probably knock me unconscious.
eating the Orange Hab is the hottest i've gone. I'd think I'd do something hotter if it would impress some hot girl or something. I would definitely need some serious motivation to step it up to the next level.
I plan on getting to hotter peppers. Right now orange habs will suffice.

I'm more about the flavor of peppers over the heat, but i still like that burn.
Just remember, don't be a Skydiver.

Have a timer nearby, so you don't go over youtube's 10 minute timer and end up pulling your hair out trying to find a way to host it somewhere.

And don't make the leap from orange habs straight to a trinidad scorpion.

This PSA brought to you by THP's resident dumbass. :lol:
Yea... I just ate a raw one not too long ago... It sucked...

Honestly... I might do it again sometime soon... but I was in freaking pain...

Now that I know what to expect, I might be able to handle it in a short time...

Taking a hab is always a big step... props.
Never done a full orange hab but i have done 3/4 of a big ass Bhut, if i wasn't so drunk it would have been so much worse!! :mouthonfire:

Kudos for taking the leap dude.