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Just bought a bunch of seeds ... any tricks ?

Just bought theese from chileseeds.co.uk .
i think they are cheap , aren't they ? (leave a comment)

Seeds / Qty / Price

10 Red Savina Seeds / 1 / 3.50 GBP

10 Seeds Assam Bih jolokia / 1 / 3.50 GBP

10 Seeds CPI Bhut Jolokia / 2 / 7 GBP

10 Chocolate Bhut jolokia Seeds / 1 / 3.50 GBP

10 Spanish Strain Naga Chilli Seed / 1 / 3.50 GBP

10 Devils Tongue Chilli Pepper Seeds/ 1 / 2 GBP

Any tips on how to germinate , Care and stuff for each plant ?

PLUS is there anything i have in this list that i can cross pollinate ? and what will it produce ?

Thanks Chili Mates :)
Most of those will cross polinate with each other.

Some people soak seeds in tea, others just in water for a while. Some place them in moist paper towels an place some warm. I just put them in my rockwool or perlite which has been soaked and place them on a heat pad.

Once they have sprouts put them under light.

Good Luck.
I soaked half of mine in water for ~24 hours and didn't soak the other half. The half I soaked are definitely sprouting more quickly. Keep the soil moist, spray it with a spray bottle when it gets dry, and keep it as close to 85-86 degrees Fahrenheit (30 Celsius). You should use something with a dome to retain moisture, and I would recommend a heating mat hooked up to a thermostat with the probe in the soil to maintain the temperature. Also, don't use a potting mix with a lot of fertilizers, they will burn the seedlings. Use a seed starting mix that is fine and loose.