Just got back from Bower's Chile Festival (it was awesome)

Went to Bowers today and had a blast, met up with JayT,  CaJohn , Creator (John,Defcon Sauces) & Dan (RedHawk Peppers).
There was no shortage of all things chile, and there was some hijinx and shenanigans as well  especially when I went over to the bar with JayT for a few beers, he played piano and arm wrestled a lesbian (ask for the pics lol), The Hottest thing I tasted all day was the new Defcon Zero it is extremely intense not for the weak :) it had an incredible building burn that lasted awhile.  Oh and I bought a few bottles of some sauces that I really enjoyed, (see pics below)
I was there at the field in the morning the the fest. Left around noon. Earlier then past years. Hopefully the Jersey taco fest. Is not the same weekend. There are vendors that haven't been there the last two years, but this year had a great group. JayT arm wrestling a lesbian? I believe that. I heard he wrestled a 3 legged bear in the snow once.
It's true. Meet Denny.  I'd say someone took the picture upside down...




More pics of a bunch of great people


Cajohn with his HOF ring


The Creator



Back to the scene of the crime from a few years ago.  I am always a hit playing the player piano!



Mr. and Mrs. Wicked Mojo