• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
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    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.


Just picked today, all going good how are you all doing ?
days are getting cooler tough growing here CT.
counted about 400 pods on 8 plants I think thats going to be it


thank you !!!
lets see how everone else is doing? up here in the north west
alot of work WOW WORTH IT !!
lets have fun

Great work! Can you give the rest of us some tips on how you do it? For example, when did you start the seeds? I'm in SC, and I start seeds in January and plant out in May, but my plants haven't ripened pods like yours. Thanks for any ideas you can give me.

I can give you a idea of what I did this season if you want to say it’s a tip it seemed to work
cause last year was not that good at all
first I started the seeds February 2[sup]nd[/sup] earlier then all times in the past
these plants are mostly in containers 7 gallon some 5 gallon
not full sun and fertilized every other week with Miracle grow general purpose 20,20,20,
mixed half strength and the alternating weeks with Alaskan fish fertilized
also they are on A trailer so I can move them to shelter if a storm pops up also can move to
sun if needed,
other then that just a really good year for us
I also have one plant in a small green house almost 6.5 feet tall I will post some pics
We also have 3 Butch T plants few pods all green these were started end of Febuary ??
You are lucky to have your plants on a trailer and a shelter for them. I lost the main branch of my Bhut Jolokia in one the earlier thunderstorms this year. Just lost another branch from a "Butch T." over the weekend. It had a bunch of nice unripe pods in it.


The strains are in quotes because i must have messed up my labels at some point.

This cool weather has made them realize time is almost up. These pods were all green on Sunday.

"Butch T"


"Yellow 7 Pod"

that scks
I lost some in the early summer HAIL !!!!
so far doing good your butch look good maybe they will ripen [save the seeds for next year]
goog luck
Hi Enuz
I started my Orange Habaneros up here in Franklin County, Mass. about the end of February and I've been picking them for the last 3 weeks.
they look awsome ////////// its tough up here short season BUT WE KICK azz kepp in touch my face is burning just picked again
better then laying in the sun RED FACE sweating [maybe I shoud not have eaten one ???? damm there good
wow, they look good but my plants are so much taller that any pic.s i've seen ( mine avg 4 feet). Maybe that's why i had the wind/plant problem.
Im not sure what quantity to expect for the super hots since this is the first year for them.. the habs are churning away at 6-7 per plant every 2 days
Hi nice peppers makes me hungry ;)
I also wanted to ask you what kind of dehydrator you are using?
Because i am planning to buy one but it's not that easy to choose ;)
Thanks and good luck for the rest of your harvest ;)
howard that sounds good were are you from ? last night i picked 2.2 lbs bhutt I have 8 plants at this time plant size range is 49" to 7 feet tall if you you look ar page # 11 that big boy is in a green house and measured last night 7 feet 1" tall and 48" diameter had to tie them all back togeather to get through the door BUT the friut ranges from 1" to 4" I never seen Bhuts so small ? on the same plant ??
however the little one are nasty HOT