just some current random pics of my lil garden

I just thought I'd share my little backyard garden. I feel ashamed posting my pics after seeing some of the expertly tailored gardens and backyards of sheer beauty, but I'm a poor boy and can't complain. I plan on remodeling the backyard next year when I put in new fencing but for now it serves me ok.

This was 1 week ago after a nice rain:

Todays pic. I've highlighted a few of the goodies. My nagas and savinas are doing horribly, I think I've stunted their growth majorly by bad hardening to the sun. They haven't grown in over a month. Ohh and btw, if you wonder the white stuff at the roots is crushed egg shells:

A little closer shot of the baby peppers that seem to be growing an inch a day. I can't wait for another two months to start enjoying that ever so spicy fruit!!!

Never grow water mellons or honeydew's close to each other!
I do actually need some help with califlower problems if anyone here can give suggestions please.

I think it's grubs or something but I can't ever catch them in the act. Something is eating all and just the califlower plants. I'm about to pull them as it makes me cry looking at them being slowly tortured by some beast and I don't think they'll produce anything worth while and will get infected. Last year it was the darn rabbits, but now I've got them caged and their still being eaten alive, Help!!
First off, looks awesome. I always wonder what I could pull off with that much room. Second, I think your bug problem is earwigs or ants. I know people say ants won't eat stuff. I say BS ants are single handedly moving my whole garden into their holes in the ground. Anyhow very well done and I am sure someone on here will have a more probable solution as far as your cauliflower goes.
pepp3rFreak, Cabbage Loopers, look under the leaves at any time of the day you will see green worm looking things if it is loopers smash em or put them in a little cup of water and drown em. If you have white moths/butterfly looking things flying around those are Adult loopers laying eggs or baby loopers. good luck.

By the way the garden does look awesome and i really like the raised rows i think i may do something like that next year.

very nice garden. could be slugs they murdered my broccoli and they only eat at night they are gone with the sun. so unless you go out with a flash light you can miss them.
Pepp3rFreak said:
I just thought I'd share my little backyard garden. I feel ashamed posting my pics after seeing some of the expertly tailored gardens and backyards of sheer beauty, but I'm a poor boy and can't complain. I plan on remodeling the backyard next year when I put in new fencing but for now it serves me ok.

Wauw, that looks awesome, Pepp3rFreak, no need to feel shame!:onfire: I also really like those raised rows, think this is a good idea if you experience a lot of rain, like you just did...

When growing cabbage (and carrots) I put over something we call "fiber cloth" if translating directly. It keeps bugs and such from getting to the plants - water, air and I believe 90 % sunlight comes through. It also raises temperatures a tiny bit, think I've heard 1 degree...
I wish my garden and yard looked that good!

How do you keep it so weed free? I had to yank up about 20 Lemon Basil plants yesterday because they were getting bigger than the peppers. I hated wasting it, but it's not like I have a shortage.
Thank You for the compliments and leads of information everyone! YEah I put rasied rows for a couple reasons, mostly becuase I can keep the vines up and such from my plants for when I run my tiller through the rows bi-weekly to help circulate the dirt and keep weeds down, and sometimes we do get massive rain that I don't want overwatering of the plants and rotting.

As for the califlower damage. I have never seen any worms or bugs that look like Loopers but I won't single them out just yet. But, I do have lots of ants in my garden! I never really thought that they'd do much damage but I wonder if they are the ones responsible for the califlower goobling? I don't know what to do to get rid of the ants without using ant traps and such and I'm scared they'll track chemicals unto my plants and I hate chemicals.

It's great having others enthusists out here helping each other! Ohh, and getting compliments on ones hard work always is always a plus to!:)

Thank you!
Pam said:
How do you keep it so weed free?

With lots of sore knee back breaking effort:lol: I spend about 2 hours every Saturday or Sunday to yanking the weeds. It's another reason for me wanting to grow indoors, but in the end it gives a good sense of accomplishment and looks pretty good.