Just some pictures from a newbie

Hey friends  :party:
I am quite happy how things turned out for me as a first time grower.  :dance:
So i wanted to share some pictures : 
Here an overview of them all 

On the left are 5 plants "Hot portugal" and they didn't get sunburned,
on the right all my HOTS and they did get sunburn when they were young, so they got stunned but recovered :)
( some herbs in the back like oregano and basil )

Here one of my Hot portugals planted in a 5 gallon pot.

Closer picture of the HOTS, habanero's, devil's tongue red, hot paper lantern, caribbean red.
( these will all be potted to 4-5 gallon pots soon )

My first flower that opened up  :party: it is 3 days like this so i hope it turns into a pepper soon haha.  :pray:

Another flower that is open, haha it's so nice i go look at it 10 times a day  :twisted:

Also My first tomato i have grown in my life :D

So i am happy they are looking good !!
After Sunburn, aphids, snails, yellow leaves, ... i got them true and learned a lot in this first year.
Also thank you to you all and this forum for all the info and help :)
Very nice looking plants.  Also quite a few of them.  How is the weather in Belgium?  Hot enough for pepper growing much of the year?
Whitewookie said:
Very nice looking plants.  Also quite a few of them.  How is the weather in Belgium?  Hot enough for pepper growing much of the year?
Thanks everyone !!!
The weather here in Belgium is bad lol :D
It is mostly rain, rain, and cloudy :P
But the last 5 days have been sunny, wich is great ofcourse :D
It made me a happy grower and the next 6 days are also sunny ( seen on news )
I started like 2 months to late .... so i hope i will get some peppers this year, but if not .... Next year will be a good one !
So i hope my plants are happy to take a brake of this rainy weather and grow, grow, GROW :D hehe
EDIT: i hope i get quite a few peppers out of these plants, ... i have no idea what to expect lol
i will make another post when i see my first pepper and everyone has a home in the 5 gallon pots :)
Happy to be a part of this community !!