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Just to make sure...


eXtreme Business
Just to make sure... Leaves drooping a bit in the sun is normal right? I noticed today that the Reapers I put outside, their leaves were drooping a bit in direct sun, but when right back to parallel with the ground when the shadow of the building came over them. That's OK, correct? Sorry I don't have pics, but I was in such a rush today, I didn't have a chance to take any pics...
OK, just making sure, thanks for the info! I'm like an overprotective papa, and since these are my first plants outdoors, I wanted to make sure that it was OK :)
elcap1999 said:
OK, just making sure, thanks for the info! I'm like an overprotective papa, and since these are my first plants outdoors, I wanted to make sure that it was OK :)
The big plants i grew under hid and moved outside looked like garbage for a while. They lost almost all there big leaves but out grew back ten fold. How big are they?
Biggest plant I have is about a hair shy of 5 inches tall. The rest are very small, and the leaves were nowhere near as "bad" as the big one. The two white 7Pots I put out there are literally this morning sprouting their first true leaves, which are barely a millimeter each. They've already been used to the outside. I have a third one sprouting from the Jiffy Pellet tray now that I have partially shaded outside. The Yellow Brain Strains are also used to the outdoors as well, I just need to get some more 5-gallon buckets and soil from Home Depot...
elcap1999 said:
Biggest plant I have is about a hair shy of 5 inches tall. The rest are very small, and the leaves were nowhere near as "bad" as the big one. The two white 7Pots I put out there are literally this morning sprouting their first true leaves, which are barely a millimeter each. They've already been used to the outside. I have a third one sprouting from the Jiffy Pellet tray now that I have partially shaded outside. The Yellow Brain Strains are also used to the outdoors as well, I just need to get some more 5-gallon buckets and soil from Home Depot...
the ones i put out were around 3ft tall and flowing. They looked like trees with hardly any leaves. Then they exploded with new growth where the leaves on the stalk were. Now there like bushes with a tree top. Thought I'd ask cause i thought you'd grown some nice ones inside before.
Dont feel bad--when i come home from work and find my peppers wilting in the hot afternoon florda sun I FREAK OUT!!! But i hesitate to water so soon before dark------my peppers are my babies and its like a son getting walloped in a high school football game---u hurt for them but u dare not run out onto the field to see how they are!!!!
do u think the drooping or wilting effect blossom production??? My theory is my ground is too sandy loamy and the water is not retained and just leaches down past the roots--my controoled media in my 15 gallon pots dont weep but has a totally different soil mixture.
yep, normal. If it worries you, you can put them under a misting system to cool them off and they'll perk right back up. I have a mister that I set up and leave on half the day on really hot days. The plants seem to LOVE it.
smileyguy697 said:
the ones i put out were around 3ft tall and flowing. They looked like trees with hardly any leaves. Then they exploded with new growth where the leaves on the stalk were. Now there like bushes with a tree top. Thought I'd ask cause i thought you'd grown some nice ones inside before.
Unfortunately those got pretty badly infested with bugs, and at the time, the landlady/office manager wouldn't allow people to put plants outside in the direct sun.

Phil said:
yep, normal. If it worries you, you can put them under a misting system to cool them off and they'll perk right back up. I have a mister that I set up and leave on half the day on really hot days. The plants seem to LOVE it.
A mister wouldn't be good right now because I'm still in my apartment, and there's no water hookups on the outside of my building. Once I take over the parentals' house, that would definitely be an option, since there's a hookup right where I wanna put most of the plants
elcap1999 said:
A mister wouldn't be good right now because I'm still in my apartment, and there's no water hookups on the outside of my building...
Well, daggum..... Our old apartment was like that. We lucked out last year and were able to move into the only one on the property with a carport, back courtyard, and outside water. It's more like a house attached to three other apartments.
A fan on them to keep them cool, maybe?
Phil said:
Well, daggum..... Our old apartment was like that. We lucked out last year and were able to move into the only one on the property with a carport, back courtyard, and outside water. It's more like a house attached to three other apartments.
A fan on them to keep them cool, maybe?
Sweet! I still have a bit of a plan B in the works if something falls through (not likely, but you never know) with me moving in the parentals' house, I found a few apartments that have several of these amenities :)
And the place I put them in does have a bit of wind, so they should be good in that regard...