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Just tried a Yellow Fatalii

I like it more than the Red one for sure, but the Yellow is just that much better IMO :) I am growing this for sure.
Sorry the vid is out of focus and as usual my camera mic is crackly. Stupid Logitech 9000....

The flavor of yellow fatalii ROCKS, IMO - that's why I call the puree sex in a jar!

The first one I tried fresh was probably only about as hot as the one you tried in the vid. The next time I ate two, though, and they were both significantly hotter than the first - it definitely depends upon the pod you get. I find it burns the top of my tongue, and kind of a ring around the back of my mouth - not the throat, but just before that. I find it immensely interesting that different peppers burn in different ways. When I first try a new pod, I like to just hold a piece in my mouth and see how the heat spreads, as well as the nature of the heat - some just plain burn, but others sting like heck!

Nice vid, in spite of the cracklin'!
It was really nice for the flavour. The Bonda Ma Jacques is still my favorite which I'd say is even more citrus like and awesome, but the Bonda seems to pack a lot more punch than this specific yellow that I tried. More like the heat of a Chocolate hab. Maybe this Yellow Fatalii was a mild one. If you've never tried a Bonda, I'd say you MUST. If you like this, you'd really like that one too.

The flavor of yellow fatalii ROCKS, IMO - that's why I call the puree sex in a jar!

The first one I tried fresh was probably only about as hot as the one you tried in the vid. The next time I ate two, though, and they were both significantly hotter than the first - it definitely depends upon the pod you get. I find it burns the top of my tongue, and kind of a ring around the back of my mouth - not the throat, but just before that. I find it immensely interesting that different peppers burn in different ways. When I first try a new pod, I like to just hold a piece in my mouth and see how the heat spreads, as well as the nature of the heat - some just plain burn, but others sting like heck!

Nice vid, in spite of the cracklin'!
Good to hear. BMJ was recommended by WickMo, as well, and he's sending me a sample of powder to try. Would love to find a fresh pod to try, but regardless, it's on my wish-list to grow next year.

If the fatalii you ate was as mild as the first one I ate, I'd suggest looking further. I first bought fatalii puree from AJ, and it is much hotter than the first fresh pod I ate. I picked up the pods from Cross Country Nurseries, and it's been a mixed bag, but most have been a lot hotter than that first one. With the first, I didn't even break a sweat. The second? Definitely caused all the reactions one expects from a superhot. Following that second immediately by the third (equally as hot as the second) was kind of like pouring alcohol on an open wound. But the rush was fantastic!
Good review
Fatalii should be quite a bit lot hottter than Bonda ma Jacques from my experience, they get as hot as around 300000SHU
Yellow fatalii is the only real fatalii IMO which is an heirloom variety thats been around hundreds of years. Reds and chocolates are recent crosses which to me are totally unworthy of the fatalii name
All I wanted in 2010 was a fatalii, I have 3 plants and not 1 produced a pod, lots of flower drop, now they just sit in a south facing window catching some sunrays(except for the past couple of days because we got hit by snow). Maybe I should teach them a lesson and put them on the other side of the window!
All I wanted in 2010 was a fatalii, I have 3 plants and not 1 produced a pod, lots of flower drop, now they just sit in a south facing window catching some sunrays(except for the past couple of days because we got hit by snow). Maybe I should teach them a lesson and put them on the other side of the window!

BC PM me your addy and I'll send ya a little bag of fatalii flakes so you can try them. ( Idont have any pods left except frozen and those dont ship well , lol)
BC PM me your addy and I'll send ya a little bag of fatalii flakes so you can try them. ( Idont have any pods left except frozen and those dont ship well , lol)

Thank you for the kind offer Rich but I can hack it out but if I do get a fatalii attack I will send you my address - I tried to PM you but the system came back saying you can no longer take messages. I could just see the mailman delivering a wet dripping envelope and smelling like a rotting mushy fatalii.
Nice video. I like to use my yellow fatalii puree I got from AJ on ham and turkey sandwiches in place of mustard. It's the perfect flavor for that. Try it sometime.
good review contour. they are really good. kind like bonda with aslightly different flavour. i might grow this one if there is space. to many strains for next season.
Good review
Fatalii should be quite a bit lot hottter than Bonda ma Jacques from my experience, they get as hot as around 300000SHU
Yellow fatalii is the only real fatalii IMO which is an heirloom variety thats been around hundreds of years. Reds and chocolates are recent crosses which to me are totally unworthy of the fatalii name

i grew the red, chocolate, and yellow last year. this year i only grew the yellow. next year i will also only grow the yellow. i wholeheartedly agree with you that the reds and chocolates cannot hold a candle to the yellow.