Juvenile Feeding?

What do you guys give your plants while they're still young? If anything?
I'm talking just after first set of leaves and then for a few weeks.
This is my first time starting from scratch, so wanted a few opinions.
Thanks in advance, TBG
P.S Will accept bribes for best answer  :D :rofl:
I only feed juveniles if they need (yellow leaves, etc...)
Actually that's what I wanted to say but I feed them every week with a 1/3ish strength palm tree liquid fertlizer as we don't have a fert. just for peppers here in Brazil.  
Its kinda a complicated question to answer. How big is the pot? How often do you water? How long have they been in the pots? Plants that young aren't going to pull that much nutrient and i dont think the nutrient could have been flushed from the soil either cuz you would probably end up killing a seeding with too much water before that happened. But you cant really go wrong with dilute fish emulsion and kelp extract.. I waited a month with my seedling in 4 inch nursery pots before i gave them anything.
After some careful consideration, I decided to buy some good old organic fish emulsion fertiliser, so that I had something on hand if my plants take a turn for the worse.
So thank you to everyone who threw in their advice, you all have shown what makes this community so great!
But I have just one more question; should I use the normal recommended dilution (16ml/3L) for my plants that are less than two month old (less than 5 sets of leaves)?
Or should I dilute it some more? How much more?
I'm sure this is pretty common sense, but I don't want to stuff up anything.
Thanks again, TBG.
I'd say worm castings or something weak like fox farms big bloom, I think its mostly worm poop too. What soil are you using? Ffof has plenty of nutes when you transplant to it, idk if you guys can get fox Farms stuff down there, but its good soil and nutes