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Kato's plan for next season

Well we have started actually the first week of January we started.

Naga Dorset
Naga Morich
Bangledeshi naga
Trinidad Scorpion
Red Savina
Super Datil
Yellow Squash
Yellow Habanero
and some sweet yellow baby bells for a change of pace all with around 85-90% germination. Looking forward to a great season.Plus True Jamican Scoth Bonnet and chocolate scotch Bonnet

I am very interested in trying to dust our jerky with Naga dorset
I am trying to build a line of dusted jerky..The habanero dusted will be out in New Mexico..Next im going to do a Red savina dusted.Its hard to find people that have made this peppers into powder.If anyone knows someone i would love to find out..
JerseyBoyzJerky said:
I am trying to build a line of dusted jerky..The habanero dusted will be out in New Mexico..Next im going to do a Red savina dusted.Its hard to find people that have made this peppers into powder.If anyone knows someone i would love to find out..

Bobbees Bottling 919-496-4286

They have habanero powder. Call and ask Diane to sell some to you. She will be glad to. Tell her I gave you the number.


I too would be very interested in trying your jerky. I love the stuff and never find a manufacturer who makes it hot enough. Naga powder would solve the problem. :) :( :onfire: :onfire:


Hey blue i have a habanero dusted jerky that will be ready for the show in New Mexico in march.It is very very hot.I am thinking about a dorset dusted jerky next