pests Keeping pest away with homemade pepper spray?

 So I went outside this morning to find a nice hefty bite was taken out of one of my tomato plants. I was wondering since I have some left over bhut powder from last year if mixing some (few tablespoons maybe?) in a gallon of water would be a good way to keep them from nibbling more on my plants? I've heard of the raw egg thing as well and adding garlic. Figure my bhut dust has quite a kick and could add some punch to a spray.
 Anyone try this?
I use Critter Ridder, which is basically a mix of black pepper and capsaicin crystals. Seemed to stop squirrels and such from digging in my pots. But then, I only grew hot peppers, and the groundhog and other critters figured out quickly they'd best not be trying a second bite of those, so all they were doing was digging after that. Still, the stuff stinks bad enough I have a hard time pouring it. I would imagine that using your own pepper powder would have a similar effect.
geeme said:
I use Critter Ridder, which is basically a mix of black pepper and capsaicin crystals. Seemed to stop squirrels and such from digging in my pots. But then, I only grew hot peppers, and the groundhog and other critters figured out quickly they'd best not be trying a second bite of those, so all they were doing was digging after that. Still, the stuff stinks bad enough I have a hard time pouring it. I would imagine that using your own pepper powder would have a similar effect.
it would work but for bugs it's better to just have some basil around since you'd have to reapply your spray every time it rained
neem oil and pepper juice works just fine   don't forget the mild detergent to disperse the neem oil.   strain the pepper juice through a coffee filter, even small pieces will clog your sprayer.
DIATOMACEOUS EARTH (DE) A natural pesticide that will drive away a number of pests, such as ants, cockroaches, and beetles from your lawn, garden, orchard, and household and is perfect for tick and flea control as well. Easy to apply and long lasting. So safe, it is recommended by the USDA as a grain additive for insect control. 
How it Works:
Diatomaceous Earth is composed of diatoms, which are tiny fossilized shells of marine plants. Over time, these algae-like plants form a naturally occurring siliceous compound, containing minerals such as silicon, calcium, sodium, magnesium, and iron. When ground up, these diatoms have the look and feel of talcum powder. However, to insects, this powder has razor sharp edges that cuts through the protective covering and enters the body. Ultimately, it works by dehydration. The diatom is composed mostly of air, making it ideal for liquid absorption. When it enters the insect, Diatomaceous Earth quickly absorbs body fluids. Diatomaceous Earth is the perfect answer for safe insect control. Household: Sprinkle on counters, under cabinets, under foundation, and wherever your pet sleeps. 
Gardens: Coat plants and surrounding soil; apply directly to anthills and other nests. 
Pets: Dust on coats and rub in. Will not harm pets licking their fur. Perfect flea control for winter. 
Grain Storage: Add 2% Diatomaceous Earth by weight. Safe for human consumption. One application last the life of food storage. Safe for children and pets! Will not harm earthworms!   1 lb. Quantity>$3.50
yep  DIATOMACEOUS EARTH is the Bomb but,,,   its like Boric acid, you can NOT let it get wet, I use it here in the swamp but its life is limited to the humidity in the air, it will only works if its dry.....Yes it does kill all invertebrate animals, all they have to do is crawl through it, if it gets on their exoskeleton they are as good as dead, there is no smell to repel them they do not think twice about it.  It is the best Bed Bug treatment there is. fleas and ticks do not stand a chance, it kills aphids but you have to get it on them, aphids don't move around enough and they have long legs so, the dust has to land on them.
I got 4 pounds at Lowes for about 10 bucks the duster is like 15 bucks they sell em on Amazon. 
Yeah Im 99 % sure it was a deer as there are tons of them in my neighborhood. Though I saw a rabbit running through a yard yesterday. Im not to concerned about reapplying as Im out in the yard quite a bit. 
I have tried the DE with no luck what so ever. My plants are getting destroyed by some insects. I don't know what type. I have not seen any. I have no idea what to do.