• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Kevin's 2015 season has begun.........

Kevins 2015 season has begun..
My kids grow list..
Mammoth Sunflowers.. If you have some that grow bigger Please PM me.
Med-Small Sunflower
Cyanne.                                                                              2
Dad's list.                 Date planted                                   sprouted               up and growing
Red Hab                                                                           4/6
Peach Hab             02/06/15                                            3/6  
Congo Red            02/06/15                                             1/6
Chocolate Hab      02/06/15                                             2/6
7-Pot Red               02/06/15                                            2/6
7 Pot
7- barrackapore     02/06/15                                             0/6
Chocolate Bhut      02/06/15                                             4/6
Jamaican Hot Chocolate     02/06/15                               5/6
"Tucia" Chocolate ?? Spankyscolts plant. Seeds came from our own PaulG    02/06/15    2/6
Trinidad scorp Mo     02/06/15                                          2/6
Chocolate Barrackapore     02/06/15                                4/6                          2/6
Chocolate Scorp                 02/06/15                                5/6
Doughlah                            02/06/15                                1/6
Chocolate Bhut                                                                  3
Peach Ghost Scorp                                                             3
Chocolate Mourg                                                                2
silversurfer                                                                           1


Yea  the way  things are looking I will  have more up tomorrow. I have to reseed some that are not a viable seed. But so far full steam ahead.
OK guys  here  are  some up dated pics.. It's been just over 10 days and this is what is up and in the humidity dome under a light...
Yea  I started 6 of each of 12 different types I will reseed some on Sunday and start others. I also need to start my soil this week end. Or at least buy it..
OK  made some up dates  to  what  has popped. So far not bad.. But  its  not  what I was hoping for.. I need to get a few to pop  and produce pods to replace seeds. They have until Sunday to spit out a tap root or the will go in trash..
OK quick up date  things have been crazy with school and work and working on my race car.
Re potted in to 50/50 mix of OF and HF  with  big chunk perlite.

Nice and happy in there new pots..


Whats left from the fist  run of germination...
Getting ready to start the last round of seeds for peppers. Did some trans planting this morning.


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So far Just R/O water and a mold killer white mold or fungi killer or some thing.. I planted them in Fox Farm Ocean Forrest and Happy Frog with added Perlite. The larger ones will start getting Fox farm Big Bloom, Kangaroots ever other watering. I will be picking up some B-1  and some Cal  and Mag fert's in the coming weeks.  
Looking good, brother!  There best part is yet to come!
Ok, got to love how some super hot ' s have a mind of there own. I wake up this morning at 430 coffee and 1 eye half open. Thought Hay I'll reseed my reapers. I go to pop the plugs. As I look in the plug I see tap roots. LoL. Man the life of a pepper head..
Well got to looking at some stuff and it looks as if my thermostat is gone or going belly up. Time to exchange it.
Yep. Thermostat was toast. So I paid the difference and bought the digital one. Set to kick on at 83


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OK, got this bad boy for next Monday.. It is time to get the garden ready to plant. They will have plenty of room to grow some roots...


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OMG, Kevin, that's some serious machinery.  Rental?
How big is your garden area?  I could till my yard in five
minutes with that bad boy   :liar;)   
Prolly gonna till up 100x100 yea gonna rent it. I'll till it up and top it with compost. Right now it's just a grass field. A good friend works at Republic Service. So he can get it cheap.