• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Kicking off 2013

Starting this year off sowing on Xmas!
After seeing some Jay's Ghost Scoropions I'm going with them as my main focus this coming season.
Still getting pods from my Wiri Wiri ma, on sad little scorp, my charlestons, and my jalapeño.
Hands down the Wiri Wiri wins in flavor thus far, just amazing for cooking.

Just got 25 of the Jay's Red Ghost Scorpions in the mail, will begin sprouting later today. Also thinking about going with some common cooking varieties.

Going to do the whole lot, all of em. Also going to try my best to isolate them. Pics later, very excited!
Man for those who haven't seen em check out the ghost scorps.....I'm just in love with the way they look. Big gnarly pods! Merry Xmas all!!!
Got my supplies in order and am off the ground again for an early start.
Ditched my peat pots after seeing the PH of the runoof at 6.2ish while dialing my planned veg setup!
Went with the Oasis cubes and a taller dome than last season. Innoculated with a couple different types of Micro for a couple nights before introducing the seed.
26 in all, all Jay's Red Ghost Scorps, stoked on this grow.
The light will be about 1' above, just didnt have time to hang it yet. Not running it sitting on the dome like that ; )
I got a little sample with the seeds, a tiny 1/4" piece of the pepper.....Im scared lol. Never had a pepper piece that small lite me up a bit....very impressed.

Having issues with photobucket....will put pics up after work.

They look so innocuous in this stage...

3 seasons in, and still putting out acceptable par

The dome.

I am taking a liking to the taller dome. I thought I may of needed some cellophane over the cubes, but they hold moisture far better than I thought they would despite their texture.
Temps are holding at about 78 after getting off of a 10 hr shift, not too bad. Though I will be linking my thermostat after I dig it out of the garage.
Thanks guys.
Snagged possibly my last fully ripe Wiri Wiri, and was suprised to see there were multiple pods forming still, as well as several small ones i had missed! Also one of my Thai survivors is slowly still kicking out pods. Avg for this month and last was in the 40s, with multiple freezes lol. Some pics of the soldiers of 2012!



Checked on the seedlings today, actually removed the humidity dome and had a ton of mold pop up in about 36 hours. It was rancid, had to discard about 8 of the seeds. Cleaned the potential survivors and had to ditch my Oasis cubes. Turns out I did not open the right side air vent, apparently the perfect storm for instant mold.
Should be okay though. I have never seen mold go that quickly, or smell like that. I could smell it coming into my room from the shower this morning....nuts.
Sorry to hear about the mold. I didn't use those cubes, but used Rapid Rooters. They're also succeptible. I soaked my seeds in chamomile tea/H2O2 dilution and also soaked the Rooters in the same. Had no problems with mold, except for a couple of varieties. I think those seeds had some mold spores on them. For those varieties, I soaked the seeds for 5 minutes in a 1:10 dilution of bleach in water, then to my chamomile/H2O2 soak. No mold.

Good luck!
Well I;m back on track, and actually set a new record! A personal one at least. Got tap roots after day 5 on two seeds. Transferred to soil on the 4th. Leaves on a superhot from seed in just about 10 days.

Ill check for more tap roots tomorrow, expecting afew now.

Temps are holding perfect with the light on a reverse cycle (on at night off during day).

Ill be popping some Biker Billy next month...maybe in March. Im finding it very difficult to have only one superhot going. I really want to try another run with Doughlas, Primos, and some non hots....its killin me lol.

On a side note Ive been building my tolerance to superhots. I have been eating a dried Jay's Red Ghost Scorp every day now for 4 days. My eyes STILL water really bad, they are truly intense.
Also had a dried Butch T today for the first time (a whole pod that is). Yum.
Cannot wait to try some fresh pods of the ghost scorp!

The pencils seem to keep a perfect distance so that I only have to check moisture daily, though I have a weather station on alert for ambient humidity and temp shifts.

This ones a champ! Going to mark this one for seed stock. Fastest sprouting I've ever seen from a superhot. These were covered in mold, dugout, and re seated in the paper towel from Oasis cubes lol! Go Ghost Scorps!

"The Dome" Even with no bottom this thin is rockin out stability wise. I bleached the trays i had on the bottom after the mold and just never put em back. Will be for sure now that I am getting sprouts.
Nice set-up, Nick.
Good luck getting those into some dirt!