• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

KiNGDeNNiZ's 2013 still with a few healthy plants and pods

so last years grow came with ups.. and a LOT of downs....but it shall not slow me down... since being introduced to the AEROGARDEN (thanks alot PINOYPRIDE) i have yet to stop sowing seeds... so my early starts have already began for next year... i will do my best to label and keep track....Aerogarden #1---sowed 11/6/121Red FDA SB ( PIC1-seeds from this years pods)2. Red FDA SB ( PIC1-seeds from this years pods)3. Red FDA SB ( PIC1-seeds from this years pods)4.5. Mustard Habanero (seeds from Pulpiteers pods)6. Fatalii-yellow (seeds from JAGs pods)7. Mustard Habanero (seeds from Pulpiteers pods)Aerogarden #2 sowed 11/01/121. Bubblegum 7 pot---- Slater1980 0/22. Malaysian goronong (tucabil) 0/33, Red Brain strain (romy6) 1/34. Jamaican Scotch bonnet (midwestchilihead) 0/25. Scotch Bonnet (jamison) 0/26. Mustard Habanero (bakers creek-rareseeds.com) 2/37. Red FDA SB ( PIC1-seeds from this years pods)Aero garden #3---sowed 10/30/12--- intially seeds thrown in soil then moved to aeropods 11/51-6----. Fatalii-yellow (seeds from JAGs pods) 6/6more pics and updates to follow
as you can see in the aerogarden... that lil clear cup was filled with about 20 seeds from JAGs fataliis.. =Dits only been 11 hrs.. and it already looks like this...alakan humus...alfalfa... worm castings.... molasses...mushroom compost...and mycoblast packet
also will take a chance on cloning... thanks to PaulG and other thread who did cloning..
this reaper was dampening in my aero.. so i snipped it...dipped in in rooting hormone (MG)the healthier reaper i moved from aero - soil due to aphid infestation
will find a way to utilize all these goodies from the indoor garden expo
who needs some pectin.. i scored all these at $.54ea due to albertsons grocery closing..
this hot sauce thing is kinda fun... although the jelly seems easier
and with regards to HOW young is too young to start them with peppers... heres my answer.. 4 years old
Spicegeist said:
Wow, this looks great.  Did you say this was a Savannah?
SG. Yes. The previous pods were as it was suppose to be. For some strange force. This is growin like this. There are more flowers so well see if it shoots more pods like this or if it's just a mutation. Or a cross. Can't wait to see what happens.

All your crosses I grew see all dead. 90% I my grow did
still a mystery

harvested the ButchTs due to same BS on my plants

Shawn Mitchells (pepperproblem) plants.. hoping they are bug free

Brazilian Ghost Pepper (John F)

Chocolate Morouga (J.R.)

Spider shot for Pia.. i like to look at the plants at midnight when i get home.. and i almost ran into this sucka.. its was a good NICKLE size (when curled up)

stickman said:
Hi DeNNiZ... any sign of the package I sent ya yet? The USPS website says it delivered it on Tuesday.
 it came yesterday.. it was so PACKED with powder that it exploded a little bit

thanks rick cant wait to try it today 

PepperDaddler said:
NASTY lookin fugger...hope you left 'im alive...

He will eat the baddies.
he was in the area of where the kids played.. i killed him..

mustard congo from a FB buddy..

another FB buddy he calls it 7 pot peanut

KiNGDeNNiZ said:
Shawn Mitchells (pepperproblem) plants.. hoping they are bug free

Brazilian Ghost Pepper (John F)

Chocolate Morouga (J.R.)
Those plants are looking really healthy. How long with your grow season go?
Looks like you had fun on the fishing trip, enjoy that catch!
Pods look great and nice hauls on the sauces, cant beat the folks here @ THP!
smaller seedlings werent getting light .. so had to move the big boys

chocolate morouga (JR)

Tri-fork Brazilian Ghost Pepper (John Ford)

Pixie....MoA....brown morouga....and XoXo pepper(unknown -possbile scotch bonnet cross)

and also my ghetto hydro Indigo "osu" tomatoes
gave a couple chilihead in the making buddies a sfrb of pods.. thanks to SICMAN and lady sic for hooking it up

MoAs doing well

wifey loved the reaper--i dared not to eat it