• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

KiNGDeNNiZ's 2013 still with a few healthy plants and pods

so last years grow came with ups.. and a LOT of downs....but it shall not slow me down... since being introduced to the AEROGARDEN (thanks alot PINOYPRIDE) i have yet to stop sowing seeds... so my early starts have already began for next year... i will do my best to label and keep track....Aerogarden #1---sowed 11/6/121Red FDA SB ( PIC1-seeds from this years pods)2. Red FDA SB ( PIC1-seeds from this years pods)3. Red FDA SB ( PIC1-seeds from this years pods)4.5. Mustard Habanero (seeds from Pulpiteers pods)6. Fatalii-yellow (seeds from JAGs pods)7. Mustard Habanero (seeds from Pulpiteers pods)Aerogarden #2 sowed 11/01/121. Bubblegum 7 pot---- Slater1980 0/22. Malaysian goronong (tucabil) 0/33, Red Brain strain (romy6) 1/34. Jamaican Scotch bonnet (midwestchilihead) 0/25. Scotch Bonnet (jamison) 0/26. Mustard Habanero (bakers creek-rareseeds.com) 2/37. Red FDA SB ( PIC1-seeds from this years pods)Aero garden #3---sowed 10/30/12--- intially seeds thrown in soil then moved to aeropods 11/51-6----. Fatalii-yellow (seeds from JAGs pods) 6/6more pics and updates to follow
as you can see in the aerogarden... that lil clear cup was filled with about 20 seeds from JAGs fataliis.. =Dits only been 11 hrs.. and it already looks like this...alakan humus...alfalfa... worm castings.... molasses...mushroom compost...and mycoblast packet
also will take a chance on cloning... thanks to PaulG and other thread who did cloning..
this reaper was dampening in my aero.. so i snipped it...dipped in in rooting hormone (MG)the healthier reaper i moved from aero - soil due to aphid infestation
will find a way to utilize all these goodies from the indoor garden expo
who needs some pectin.. i scored all these at $.54ea due to albertsons grocery closing..
this hot sauce thing is kinda fun... although the jelly seems easier
and with regards to HOW young is too young to start them with peppers... heres my answer.. 4 years old
Hardly made it by the Hickory smoked pork ribs, man I'm starving now ... nice shots! Did you identify what the white stuff is inside the OW stalk? Some kind of mold or ???
Wow. Nice setup. The plants look great!

Have you tried cloning in bubble buckets? I've had great results with mine. No need for rooting hormones, or humidity domes either. I make the cut, put it in a neoprene colar a place it in the bucket. Roots appear in 7-10 days.
Denniz for seedlings do you find that a 18/6 light cycle is better?

im sure it is...

Wow. Nice setup. The plants look great!

Have you tried cloning in bubble buckets? I've had great results with mine. No need for rooting hormones, or humidity domes either. I make the cut, put it in a neoprene colar a place it in the bucket. Roots appear in 7-10 days.

hard to commit to it.. to much work for me.. hahaahha plus all the pH balancing
Not for cloning. I use tap water. I wouldn't waste the batteries on my testers for cloning. Once roots appear, transplant into soil, or whatever you want.
Lookin' good Denniz. Never a dull moment in your grow!
Everything is looking good except that Ain'ts bucket :) That should have a silver star on the side of it. Then the plant would really grow!!!

Of course this year it would only produce turnovers and a 9-7 record lol.
Looking good. You've done well with the JPGS.
couldnt have done it without you.. literally... buds and flowers everyone. but doubt it will even pod up

Everything is looking good except that Ain'ts bucket :) That should have a silver star on the side of it. Then the plant would really grow!!!

Of course this year it would only produce turnovers and a 9-7 record lol.

hey hey... stop tryin to steal our coach.. dont worry.. well be back next season...

anyways... trimmed a couple of the plants to get them all bushed out.....jays ghost is the tall one with the flowers

pictured here is from back .. L- R is Reaper, FDA scotch bonnet... goronong....fatalii.. purple ??, peach trinidad scorpion....myster plant Jays Ghost scorpion and Brain Strain in the little pots to the right is another Brain Strain and Reaper Clone.. the tiny one is a bubble gum 7pot

waiting for the ones i sowed 2 days ago to start poppin soon....and also trimmed some of the tops... back L-R FDA scotch bonnet, Fatalii, Mustard Hab, SBJ7, mystery, Brain Strain, Reaper(joshua) and Bubble Gum 7

transferred the rest of the seedlings and now have all of them in one tray...

this is the cells on the LEFT SIDE..

The cells in the middle are all yellow fatalii. And this is what the cells on the right are

thanks stickman (rick) gochus are looking good except one seedling,....

tried to clone the pimienta de neyde.. and antilees fire to no avail.... the purple bhut also got trampled by the dogs and is now recovering..


Bubblegum 7 in an aero.

And one in soil

and as always.. sowed some more seeds today thanks to J.T Deleany.. and Bonnie (highalt)

1. Kpakpo shito x 4
2. mako akokosrade x4
3. piaozinho x 3
4. mako kokoo x4 2/4
5. Mme Jeannette x 5
6. Peach Habanero x4
7. Pink Habanero x4 2/4

and have more seeds on the way.. honestly.. i tried.. but as they get bigger some will get cut from the list and will go to good people

happy weekend all
Them trays look awesome Denniz. Same with the Jay's Ghost scorpion. You know anything about them? Been seein alot of them lately?
cant wait for the season to take off.. since not much is going on THP.. looked at my videos from last year.. at least i started 4 months earlier than last year (march)

Them trays look awesome Denniz. Same with the Jay's Ghost scorpion. You know anything about them? Been seein alot of them lately?


Time to have the girls help me start these bad boys. More types are on the way




Note to self. Read dimension. This was suppose to be LaRGE!!

Glad to see the Gochus doing well... don't be worried about size differences, and don't be surprised about different pod shapes either... I had about 40 different chiles growing in a small space outside last year, and they were all open pollinated. You might have an interesting cross.

Nice looking selection of vegetables for the table... if you really want to grow "kid bait" when the Burpee Super Sweet cherry tomatoes are gone, try Sungold Cherry Tomatoes or Ground Cherries. The Ground Cherries are brother to the Tomatillo, but smaller and much sweeter with a custardy Pineapple flavor. If you do plant them, they'll volunteer readily, and will grow in the same spot from year to year just like the Tomatillos. Shane and I grew the Sungolds last year, and they're very sweet, fruity and prolific. Mine grew up a Tomato trellis 5 feet before I whacked off the top to keep it from getting any bigger. I think Shane's grew over 7 feet.
Nice updates Denniz! Careful growing all dem cucumbers … if my kids see dem or you’ll have a couple of unwanted pests in your garden :D They love cucumbers!
I see some of your plants are flowering....nice. Did you cut back the tops of your plants because they're getting too tall ?
Have fun starting all the other vegetables. The tomatoes grow like weeds, those will be the last crop for my indoor start.
Glad to see the Gochus doing well... don't be worried about size differences, and don't be surprised about different pod shapes either... I had about 40 different chiles growing in a small space outside last year, and they were all open pollinated. You might have an interesting cross.

Nice looking selection of vegetables for the table... if you really want to grow "kid bait" when the Burpee Super Sweet cherry tomatoes are gone, try Sungold Cherry Tomatoes or Ground Cherries. The Ground Cherries are brother to the Tomatillo, but smaller and much sweeter with a custardy Pineapple flavor. If you do plant them, they'll volunteer readily, and will grow in the same spot from year to year just like the Tomatillos. Shane and I grew the Sungolds last year, and they're very sweet, fruity and prolific. Mine grew up a Tomato trellis 5 feet before I whacked off the top to keep it from getting any bigger. I think Shane's grew over 7 feet.

Rick. Can't wait to see how they grow. As for the sungold I didn't order them. But I did get the ground cherries from rareseeds.com. Prior to this I actually grew things aside peppers. This past season peppers consumed me.. So gotta go back to my roots. I don't like planting rooted stuff as once harvested you have to replant. Hahaha. I don't have the space like Greg does.

Nice updates Denniz! Careful growing all dem cucumbers … if my kids see dem or you’ll have a couple of unwanted pests in your garden :D They love cucumbers!

It's okay. Well have all sorts of cukes when season comes. Last year I had so much and they grew wild that I had to pull them out since they were taking over the pepper bed. I am still on the hunt for some real Persian cucumbers. Rareseeds has something similar. But not the one I buy at stores.

I see some of your plants are flowering....nice. Did you cut back the tops of your plants because they're getting too tall ?
Have fun starting all the other vegetables. The tomatoes grow like weeds, those will be the last crop for my indoor start.
Yes I trimmed the tips to get them to bush out more. I watched a couple videos on pruning and I like the idea. As far asthe other veggies. I'm used to growing them. I want to start early on the tomatoes because last year. The region as a whole had tough time with the maters. I wasn't te only getting NON productive plants. Melissa and a few coworkers. I felt bad because I had given away close to 40 plants and most mentioned they didn't produce well. So I'd like to get them going. I like the idea of heirlooms. But are so much more prone to diseases and bugs. Can't wait. If anyone has sungold maters. Please do share. Seeds I mean :)

Thanks y'all for following

Dang King D you are a growing machine . When do you sleep?
Since they don't require much care I sleep for hours and hours. Now especially that I'm feeling under the weather. Can't even get the energy to start planting the veggies. Btw I have one good sbj7 growing and a few more that just sprouted. I think I shared some seeds with Mel as well.