• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

KiNGDeNNiZ's 2013 still with a few healthy plants and pods

so last years grow came with ups.. and a LOT of downs....but it shall not slow me down... since being introduced to the AEROGARDEN (thanks alot PINOYPRIDE) i have yet to stop sowing seeds... so my early starts have already began for next year... i will do my best to label and keep track....Aerogarden #1---sowed 11/6/121Red FDA SB ( PIC1-seeds from this years pods)2. Red FDA SB ( PIC1-seeds from this years pods)3. Red FDA SB ( PIC1-seeds from this years pods)4.5. Mustard Habanero (seeds from Pulpiteers pods)6. Fatalii-yellow (seeds from JAGs pods)7. Mustard Habanero (seeds from Pulpiteers pods)Aerogarden #2 sowed 11/01/121. Bubblegum 7 pot---- Slater1980 0/22. Malaysian goronong (tucabil) 0/33, Red Brain strain (romy6) 1/34. Jamaican Scotch bonnet (midwestchilihead) 0/25. Scotch Bonnet (jamison) 0/26. Mustard Habanero (bakers creek-rareseeds.com) 2/37. Red FDA SB ( PIC1-seeds from this years pods)Aero garden #3---sowed 10/30/12--- intially seeds thrown in soil then moved to aeropods 11/51-6----. Fatalii-yellow (seeds from JAGs pods) 6/6more pics and updates to follow
as you can see in the aerogarden... that lil clear cup was filled with about 20 seeds from JAGs fataliis.. =Dits only been 11 hrs.. and it already looks like this...alakan humus...alfalfa... worm castings.... molasses...mushroom compost...and mycoblast packet
also will take a chance on cloning... thanks to PaulG and other thread who did cloning..
this reaper was dampening in my aero.. so i snipped it...dipped in in rooting hormone (MG)the healthier reaper i moved from aero - soil due to aphid infestation
will find a way to utilize all these goodies from the indoor garden expo
who needs some pectin.. i scored all these at $.54ea due to albertsons grocery closing..
this hot sauce thing is kinda fun... although the jelly seems easier
and with regards to HOW young is too young to start them with peppers... heres my answer.. 4 years old
Sorry to hear about your loss DeNNiZ... is there any reason you know of why they're going after that particular plant? Does it smell different than the others? Glad to hear you're trying to clone the leftovers... Hope at least some of them make it. Cheers!
Sorry to read about the losses from the dogsters. Are they pups?
My main garden is fenced to keep dogs and rabbit's out. They like to dig up new plantings, and cool down (dig) where I water.
Dogs and plants don't mix in most cases.
Please don't blame the dogs...after all they are just dogs..
Chocolate Naga Brain...cool.What Matt said about your Yellow Brain-ginormous!
Did the White Bhut Seeds originally come from Pepperlover.....my last ones  were red , not bhutish at all.I got some from PL...Just not in time for me to get em goin. How is the taste?
My Orange BS was yellow when I left , so I was hoping it would go orange-but reports are that it is still yellow....which is funny because you can't see it from the kitchen window(as close as wifey cares to get to my plants LOL-treats em like a hot girlfriend-so that makes it challenging when I take off). I planted 2 , so hopefully they'll go orange.
I have to escort the fiesty little beasty that is my dog(Jack Russell, 18lbs of 500lb monster) around the pod patch on a lead-she has freight trained my 1 gallon starter pots more times then I care to count. Got lots of critters- and anything with hair is fair game to her(immediately).Point A to Point B before you can blink, to hell with anything in between LOL!
I think I might need some Bubblegums now, oh wait I said "No more seed starts this year".......yeah, right;)!
gnslngr said:
Chocolate Naga Brain...cool.What Matt said about your Yellow Brain-ginormous!
Did the White Bhut Seeds originally come from Pepperlover.....my last ones  were red , not bhutish at all.I got some from PL...Just not in time for me to get em goin. How is the taste?
My Orange BS was yellow when I left , so I was hoping it would go orange-but reports are that it is still yellow....which is funny because you can't see it from the kitchen window(as close as wifey cares to get to my plants LOL-treats em like a hot girlfriend-so that makes it challenging when I take off). I planted 2 , so hopefully they'll go orange.
I have to escort the fiesty little beasty that is my dog(Jack Russell, 18lbs of 500lb monster) around the pod patch on a lead-she has freight trained my 1 gallon starter pots more times then I care to count. Got lots of critters- and anything with hair is fair game to her(immediately).Point A to Point B before you can blink, to hell with anything in between LOL!
I think I might need some Bubblegums now, oh wait I said "No more seed starts this year".......yeah, right;)!
 We used to do a website for Jack Russell's way back when, they have an issue with kids and uh, I guess life in general. Terriers can be a challenge, we have three. Two "rats", damn they think they weigh 100lb's. They just don't care how big their advisory is, saw a 10 pounder go up against a 80lb Newfoundland. We were walking down to "the bottom" where this dog "thought" he owned the land. Sydney looked at me and kinda moaned (I guess), she knew the big guy lived there, and he had bitten her before. But she took up the lead, and when the big guy came out she went after him, I mean hard. I've seen this girl take on rattle snakes and you name it. That day she did good. God rest her soul, she pushed an 80lb pit too far one day. Otis, our pit-bull mastiff cross keeps our crazy rats alive...long stories there.
Bottom line love your dogs and keep them away from the garden...
sorry for rambling...
Just catching up here, King.  Damn!  So sorry to see the canine carnage.  Hope some of your clones take.  The harvests are looking great.  Your unknown red pepper looks similar to one I have growing.  It was supposed to be an Aji Dulce, seed from Tradewinds.  But the peppers are elongated and red like the one you showed, and hot!
alright folks.. been a while... havent really posted any positives here... and seems like things may be cut short.. at least for now... heres a video of the disaster plants that i have.. broad mites.. thirps.. whatever it is.. its getting to all my plants...
glad i got a chance to grow the bubblegum .. heres my take on it.. strange.. when i sliced the pod with a fork.. i licked it and it was a killer... i didnt want to even do the review.. but after a few drinks... i did it aways.. took 15 seconds before i felt any kind of heat.. then BAMMMMM!!
DocNrock said:
Just catching up here, King.  Damn!  So sorry to see the canine carnage.  Hope some of your clones take.  The harvests are looking great.  Your unknown red pepper looks similar to one I have growing.  It was supposed to be an Aji Dulce, seed from Tradewinds.  But the peppers are elongated and red like the one you showed, and hot!
 Clones didnt make it as they were "contaminated" i did however get to tape up one branch and its hanging on a thread.. plant looks fine and pods are ripening
gnslngr said:
Chocolate Naga Brain...cool.What Matt said about your Yellow Brain-ginormous!
Did the White Bhut Seeds originally come from Pepperlover.....my last ones  were red , not bhutish at all.I got some from PL...Just not in time for me to get em goin. How is the taste?
My Orange BS was yellow when I left , so I was hoping it would go orange-but reports are that it is still yellow....which is funny because you can't see it from the kitchen window(as close as wifey cares to get to my plants LOL-treats em like a hot girlfriend-so that makes it challenging when I take off). I planted 2 , so hopefully they'll go orange.
I have to escort the fiesty little beasty that is my dog(Jack Russell, 18lbs of 500lb monster) around the pod patch on a lead-she has freight trained my 1 gallon starter pots more times then I care to count. Got lots of critters- and anything with hair is fair game to her(immediately).Point A to Point B before you can blink, to hell with anything in between LOL!
I think I might need some Bubblegums now, oh wait I said "No more seed starts this year".......yeah, right;)!
 seeds from the white bhut are from pepperlover via MELISSA77754.. she got them from her and shared her seeds...NAGA Brains will be grown.. =D
Devv said:
Sorry to read about the losses from the dogsters. Are they pups?
My main garden is fenced to keep dogs and rabbit's out. They like to dig up new plantings, and cool down (dig) where I water.
Dogs and plants don't mix in most cases.
Please don't blame the dogs...after all they are just dogs..
 no need to put fences... they only unleashed their fury due to the fact they were out unattended.. not their fault.. they are dogs... but no worries.. plant is alive and i am a dog person and will never harm them...
stickman said:
Sorry to hear about your loss DeNNiZ... is there any reason you know of why they're going after that particular plant? Does it smell different than the others? Glad to hear you're trying to clone the leftovers... Hope at least some of them make it. Cheers!
they went for that plant because the pepper gods told them to do so since its still unstable.. haha wish i knew man...clones are goners...
windchicken said:
Bummer KD...Sorry about that!
+1 on James' suggestion of the electric fence. You can do it from Home Depot for less than $100, and it doesn't take very long at all. I have a big choco lab that would completely destroy every plant I have were it not for the DC current...
 no need.. they are already fenced up.. no need to do more work....
Denniz, we have way too much in common. One of my birgits looks like it is dying  with the damn symptoms. Your mystery pods look like my mystery pods on my  not yellow brain, and both our dogs need to be taken to the pound  :mope:
 Otherwise you have a lot of good stuff going on  :fireball:
 yes we do brother... we do have some in common.. but your plants are healthier and produce more pods than mine.. so there we differ...love you man!! you rock!! ill try your advice on the spray
Sorry to hear about da plant mon. Sounds like its time to build a fence .... Inside the fence! Lol
Or a leash? I'm shocked at how this could happen... What two days in a row?
Lucky for you, they grow back:)
 thanks for the tears for the BBG
Hey man how's everything? Hope all is doing well.

, Walter
 im in the rebuilding phase... being here in socal. you know its not too late
Chicken wire is cheap.
All around my little plot and so far, no critters of the 4 legged variety, a couple of old aluminum pie plates (cheap throw away ones) kept most of the birds out, and if all fails, I have a spray bottle with a tablespoon of various pepper powders mixed in.
Just waiting for one of the neighborhood mongrels to try and lift a leg on one of my potted peppers.
He won't get a dose of pepper juice in the face, but somewhere he will remember evey time he lifts a leg. :flamethrower:

i cant harm my dogs.. love them.. otherwise theyd be in the DOGHOUSE.. ahhaha
Any more attacks from the canine???[/quote]
nope no more.. just from broad mites.. possibly but ya'll already know

not needed as i got some from him already.. thanks though

Sanarda said:
SOOOO Sorry too see the damage Denniz.  I'm with Chris to feed the dog to some unsuspecting neighbors with some bubblegum 7 pod sauce on the side.  I would be soooo pissed.  Maybe if you stick the big piece in the aero it will root long enough to ripen the fruit
all good pia... i cant always start SOWING!!! 
Pulpiteer said:
Wow that's tough.  Nice looking plant too.  Sorry to hear it. 
Have you tried any of those pods, btw?  I'm sorry if I missed it, just wondered what you thought of the taste of the bubble gum 7.
 i did... awesome pod.. about to slice the ones i had and save seeds...
GA Growhead said:
Fuuuhhhhkkkk! That sucks!
Glad you were prepeared!
Need to build a fence around that one!
 ill KIT with you man... youve got awesome pods!@!!
millworkman said:
Technically they will not be seedlings :)
 technically they are compost now..
Vegas_Chili said:
I just cried for 10 minutes solid! Dang!!! That just blows, and I just tried the BUBBLEGUM pod that you sent me. Very unique taste.

If you ever decide to ship rooted cuttings, I really wish I can be one of those lucky persons to get one. I would use the clone bucket I made and grow it indoors in hydro. Once it grows to a decent size I can also send out rooted cuttings out to the community.

I also saved the seed from the pod I ate, and they look mature. So I'll be sowing those and hopefully they come out as good or better.

Hope those cutting make it, fingers crossed.

, Walter
 ill try to root again.. perhaps my methods werent sterile..
Yumyumyellow said:
wow. looks like a little electric fence might be in order.
 shock therapy not needed..
Scarecrw said:
Wow I feel sick now.Looks like your dog loves peppers as much as you. I had a groundhog dig under my fence and destroy my pumpkin patch. I planted them from last years seeds from my 350lb pumpkin. No I still did not win at the fair. At least I could trap him and remove him to a different location. Good luck with the cloning.
lets try to make this a happy update....

my NOT orange habs-chocolate- i grew out once again and seems to be truly chocolate habs

ive eaten plenty and have bought lots of fataliis but these i got from a nursery are a lot bumpier

Bubblegum 7 pot...will be harvesting and drying up seeds today

plant from PepperProblems grow... via NIGEL via SHANE may be my savior... labeled as BS (jag), M (jag), and M7.. possibly brain strain.. Morougas.. and MADBALLZ 7?? they will be grown indoors until they get evicted by the wife

i call these my "KP518" mystery pepper.. NOT a jamaican red mushroom.. the taste is fruity and sweet and is 5/6-10 in heat... great pepper

ya mon.. i got a few JA HAbs to ripen.. i think these are it..

i am taking suggestions on what to call this pepper.. ahah

some have suggest aribibi.. but the ones ive googled are white or yellow .. havent seen red ones

my sepia serpent f5???

my initial thought was peter pepper.. but SHANE was right .. they arent... what can they be

7 pot rennie i have this and another still on the plant.. hope i get some more seeds to share

Peach Trinidad scorpions are an obvious cross when i got the seeds.. looks cool

Billy Boy Douglahs OP are more habish looking

ugly looking pepper.. but hot as hell

what i think are normal fatalii on the left and my nursery bought fatalii.. a lot more texture for sure

i gave some shane some bunk ebay seeds for INDIGO or OSU tomatoes.. i got a couple plants (now dying-spider mites) and am harvesting for seeds...

some peach habaneros (thanks bonnie) next to some mustard habs..these guys are also egg size pods!!

Devv said:
Sorry to read about the plant woes...
 always a brighter side right.. means i can plant again this time with names.. ahhaha
newpeppergrower1105 said:
i cant find bubblegum seeds anywhere where did you get yours i really badly want to buy some
drying as we speak.. just stay posted.. and ill share what i have
wow.. great looking peppers... =D  i cant wait to try to get some seeds and start next year.. ive just been watching people and will one day sow..
more photos of the "KP518"

some obvious hab shapes.. but still same great flavor...

most look like these

but i will see if i can get them to grow like these....again.. not red mushrooms

yesterdays harvest.. prolly one of my biggest harvest... but for 75+ plants... ehhhhh

todays harvest got thinner
but still thank the pepper gods

Fremp said:
Not all is a loss! Nice poddage bromigo!
thanks bromigo!!
just some of the seeds i plan on sowing next month

i went to a regional park and they had black berries.. and this im guessing a fruit.. cherry size... but not sure what it is.. looks like mini plums

went to the farmers market in the bay area and finally got what i been looking for...


Malungay leaves-- used for cooking

and some orchids for the wife
