Kiwi Grow Off - Heaviest weight of pods off a single plant

My 3 best plants are all about the same size, one however has got about 30-40 pods on it already, the other two are just flowering. What's the difference you ask?
The one that's got pods was in Terazilla as a seedling, the other two had that other crap from SOG, forgot the name, brown or beige bag.
Well I just got back from 3 weeks in Fiji, and 90% of my plants are ruined by what I think is broad mites...
I have had to cut back most of my plants, and also destroy some completely . I have maybe 5 or so plants total that have not been affected...
I literally only have 1 Dorset Naga Pod Set, lol... I do have one or two naga's amongst my unaffected plants though so thats good but im still really far behind..
Does anyone have any methods for dealing with broad mites? (at least I think that's what it is..symptoms are underside of leaves look brownish / copper coloured. New growth is heavily distored, twisted, brittle, and brownish...)
I have been cutting off the effected growth, soaking it in boiling water then throwing it away...
Attached is an pic of the damage...others were much worse, i only remembered to take a photo of this one last minute before I cut all the distorted stuff off and threw it in boiling water.. (i know theres a couple psyllids eggs there but those are the least of my worries at the moment! even the psyllids mostly avoid the effected plants)
Dude thats exactly what I had, and had to biff a lot of my plants.
I used the mite spray from Mitre10, didnt seem to do much, then used Maverick spray - that seemed to work much better. A bunch of plants actually got over it and are doing well. I did lose a few adult plants that are in my 50L growbags (just 2 out of about 30), and noticed my Douglah has now got it, so I sprayed Maverick all over it this weekend. Fingers crossed it'll all be sorted. But yeah that completely ruined my greenhouse crops this winter.
SentencedToBurn said:
Dude thats exactly what I had, and had to biff a lot of my plants.
I used the mite spray from Mitre10, didnt seem to do much, then used Maverick spray - that seemed to work much better. A bunch of plants actually got over it and are doing well. I did lose a few adult plants that are in my 50L growbags (just 2 out of about 30), and noticed my Douglah has now got it, so I sprayed Maverick all over it this weekend. Fingers crossed it'll all be sorted. But yeah that completely ruined my greenhouse crops this winter.
That's a similar story to where mine came from.
It first showed up on some of my plants that were indoors over winter and I havnt been able to shake it since.
Im pretty sure iv got some mavrick at home..ill have to have a look. I had sort of given up on chemical remedies and had resigned myself to hacking back all the dodgy looking growth, isolating the affected plants and giving them a shot to recover. And if not they will go into the boiling water!
On a brighter note, Iv actually got more healthy dorset naga;s then I thought...lucky I randomly planted all the runty ones in random places (just because I didnt want to throw them away, didnt expect them to do well either)..LOL
this is probably my biggest surviving one..(most my plants are lobsided like that, must have been windy while I was away!)

couple of random ones I threw in the ground..

another one

and..what I think was a pumpkin had sprouted by itself before I left for Fiji... (i always get random veges growing anywhere that I put my compost)..
I got back and it looked like this. LOL..cant believe how huge it grew in a couple of weeks...there are some tomatoes and pepper plants in amongst that lot as well!
My plants that have pysllids look like that before pysllid yellow kicks in,similar symptoms though, have not had mites yet. Touch wood.
Rage said:
Lime sulphur works on broad mites too
Yup I ended up doing it a couple of weeks ago. Stained the shit out of my plants, they all look pretty sprayed, but seems it did the job. After that stuff dried up I also got a can of beneficial predatory mites. So overall seems I'm winning the battle, slowly.
Speaking of the grow-off, I had my first pod on one of the comp plants ripen a couple of days ago:
Awesome, ill have to go and pick up some lime sulphur.
My best plant probably has about 5 pods on it lol :)
^your plants are looking pretty good!

SentencedToBurn said:
Yup I ended up doing it a couple of weeks ago. Stained the shit out of my plants, they all look pretty sprayed, but seems it did the job. After that stuff dried up I also got a can of beneficial predatory mites. So overall seems I'm winning the battle, slowly.
Speaking of the grow-off, I had my first pod on one of the comp plants ripen a couple of days ago:
Nice.Looks like you may be in the lead.Mine have just started to set but the plants are small.Oh well next year
nzchili said:
Looking good, im jealous of your non-broad mite riddled plants lol
Dude, how I solved it: get lime sulphur, 1:5 with water. Spray the shit out of them, like use the proper sprayer, underneath, top, stem, etc, it will stain your leaves and fruit and will make it look like crap, but they'll be fine. Repeat 2-3 days later again. Soak everything, underneath, etc. Then order Mite-A from Bioforce. its only $10. Spread it all over your plants say about a week after your 2nd lime sulphur application.'
And thats it. You'll have new growth coming through, and it wont be all munted.
SentencedToBurn said:
Dude, how I solved it: get lime sulphur, 1:5 with water. Spray the shit out of them, like use the proper sprayer, underneath, top, stem, etc, it will stain your leaves and fruit and will make it look like crap, but they'll be fine. Repeat 2-3 days later again. Soak everything, underneath, etc. Then order Mite-A from Bioforce. its only $10. Spread it all over your plants say about a week after your 2nd lime sulphur application.'
And thats it. You'll have new growth coming through, and it wont be all munted.
Picked up some lime sulphur on the weekend. 1:5 you say? (EDIT that's 200ml per liter!?) That's way stronger than what I did..i just followed the package instructions at 10ml per liter of you think i should go back and use a stronger dose? (and is that really correct? 200ml per L when the package says 10ml?? That's 20x the recommended dose... not surprised that would burn the plants...sounds a bit excessive but ill do it if that's really what it takes, lol!) That will also take multiple bottles of lime sulpur for each spray application...I think I used about 3-4L of spray on my first spray, which would equal a few bottles worth per spray (expensive), per application at your ratio! Im hoping its a typo, lol.
On another note, I picked my first ripe naga the other day.. :party:
Yup, i've looked up everywhere and some even recommended going as strong as 1:3, but I decided to go a bit safer.
But it cleared them all out,  I used about 100ml of the resulting mix per plant, so for my 40 bushes ended up using about 4L of the mix. So that was just under 1L of lime sulphur in there.
On the upper hand you'd only probably need to do it twice. I did it once, and after the 1st application in 2 weeks i had TONS of new growth, but still noticed a few mite leaves, very few though. So I gave it another soak as intense, and now I have no problems at all. With the help of MiteA too. I actually introduced MiteA into my greenhouse (which I bleached before I put anything in there) and my plants are super healthy, no sign of anything on them.
SentencedToBurn said:
Yup, i've looked up everywhere and some even recommended going as strong as 1:3, but I decided to go a bit safer.
But it cleared them all out,  I used about 100ml of the resulting mix per plant, so for my 40 bushes ended up using about 4L of the mix. So that was just under 1L of lime sulphur in there.
On the upper hand you'd only probably need to do it twice. I did it once, and after the 1st application in 2 weeks i had TONS of new growth, but still noticed a few mite leaves, very few though. So I gave it another soak as intense, and now I have no problems at all. With the help of MiteA too. I actually introduced MiteA into my greenhouse (which I bleached before I put anything in there) and my plants are super healthy, no sign of anything on them.
ok sweet, ill give them a good hammering them. That stuff (the lime sulphur) stinks lol. Its gonna reek  :onfire:
nzchili said:
ok sweet, ill give them a good hammering them. That stuff (the lime sulphur) stinks lol. Its gonna reek  :onfire:
Yeah bro, just wait till you spray it with 5:1 haha. But the smell goes soon after, in like 24 hours you won't smell hardly anything. THe leaves will stain though, so won't look as nice, but will live on just fine, except that you'll actually start getting new growth.
Ok I've done my harvesting and the most I got off 1 plant is 609 grams (the basket is 136gm). I actually lost about 20 pods off it because they were overripened so they either fell off or I biffed them as they started going off. so could've been as much as 700gm. But this is what I have at the moment.
The other 3 plants weren't as good, all up I got 1.422kg, which is definitely the most of what I've ever got of 1 variety, but still nothing like Swampy's results last year.
Btw all plants were in about 40L worth of soil in growbags, I think larger root volume will defintiely help for Dorset Nagas.
Pods off the best plant:

Pods of all 4 Dorset Naga plants: