• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Koskorgul - 2014 Grow list and Glog

Decided to create a new glog instead of adding onto the one from last year.
Started my seed germination and setup my lights over the weekend.
Grow list for this year
Yellow Scorpion
?? - It is a cross between a CRH and a Ghost ( I think ) Very large pods, lotsa flavor and heat
Thai Fire
Thai Carigated
Biker Billy
Choco Hab
There are 2 more on the list but dont have the list here at work. Started about 10 seeds of each. Last year I had about 55 plants and ran out of room to plant them. If I get the germination rate I had last year (about 95-98%) I will be selling some plants LOL.
Heres to a great growing season to all.
Oh BTW- Sorry to be MIA the last few mths. Started a new job with the state and am unable to get on the computer during the day. Will be tring to post more in the evenings and weekends now.
EDIT- Will be adding the Caraolina Reaper and Gormet Fatalli Jigsaw to this list. Will be ordering seeds this week

I started germination last weekend and decided to check on it today. I put everything in wet paper towels inside of ziplock baggies. With a quick count I have close to 20 hooks so far. Will be getting my soil ready this weekend to start planting. 
I said it last year and will say it again. Growing peppers is an addiction, I had about 50 plants last year and will be pushing 150 this year. 
Also want to give a big shout out to MegaHot who is hooking me up with Reapers and Fatalli Jigsaw seeds.
OK so I'm not crazy, I saw zero replies, and was thinking I just posted here yesterday.
Good luck this season Rob!
Happy New Year!
Potted up some hooks today.
Ja Hab, Started 5,1 germinated and potted
Mad Ballz. started 7, 0 germinated
MoA Started 5, 0 germinated
Ghost/Red hab cross, started 10, 0 germinated
Thai Fire, started 10, 10 germinated and potted
Biker Billy, started 6, 3 germinated and potted
Jalapeno, started 10, 9 germinated and potted
CRH, started 10, 3 germinated and potted
Fatalli, started 10, 0 germinated
Choco Hab, started 10, 3 germinated and potted
Thai Varigated, started 10, 9 germinated and potted
Ghost, started 7, 0 germinated
Yellow Scorpion, started 9, 1 germinated and potted
Barrackaporre, started 10, 0 germinated
Jimmy Nardelo, started 10, 3 germinated and potted
Not bad for just 7 days, 129 seeds started and 42 germinated. Have some other seeds that I will be starting tonight and will be getting some Reapers and Gormet Fatalli Jigsaws in, so will starting them as soon as they get here. 
My son helped me today and he is now addicted to growing peppers. He said to me I thought it was only fun to just pick them, but dang this is fun planting, counting and doing the whole process. LOL that didnt take long.
Thanks all, I was laid up in the hospital for a couple of days so didnt get a chance to update anything.
Anyhow, came home today and had to go down and check my little babies. Of the 42 that had germinated and were put into cups. About 10 have popped up and are doing great. Have another 5-10 that will be through the dirt tomorrow. Havent had a chance to check on the other seeds that are germinating but I am hoping that a few more germinated and I will be planting again this weekend. 
Most of the ones that have popped through the dirt at Jalapenos, and some Biker Billy's. Getting excited for this grow year already and it is still -20 outside. HEHEHEHEHE 
More potting of germinated seeds tonight, here is the updated list of seeds and what has germinated 
Ja Hab, Started 5, 5 germinated and potted
Mad Ballz. started 7, 5 germinated
MoA Started 5, 0 germinated, these all had mold on the seed so I started 9 more
Ghost/Red hab cross, started 10, 4 germinated
Thai Fire, started 10, 10 germinated and potted
Biker Billy, started 6, 5 germinated and potted, 1 had mold on seed so I tossed it
Jalapeno, started 10, 9 germinated and potted, 1 had mold on seed so I tossed it
CRH, started 10, 8 germinated and potted
Fatalli, started 10, 8 germinated
Choco Hab, started 10, 7 germinated and potted
Thai Varigated, started 10, 9 germinated and potted
Ghost, started 7, 7 germinated
Yellow Scorpion, started 9, 9 germinated and potted
Barrackaporre, started 10, 10 germinated
Jimmy Nardelo, started 10, 7 germinated and potted
Just over 100 seeds germinated so far.
Started some more MoA today, also started some Naga Morich and Naga Morich+7 pot mix on Sunday.
Last year I was worried about running out of room to plant everything, this year I am worried about having enough room for all that I germinate. LOL yeah it is an addiction
An update with pics WooHooooo
First is the grow area
This is the top level

Next is the 2nd level

Next is the table where the taller plants are

Then we have what they look like when they are closed up.
The table

The shelves

Now some plant pics. 
This is the group shot of all the peppers

Next is lettuce and some popcorn

A shot of the hot ones 

And last one till I can get a bump is a shot of the taller ones. I will also be posting my list in one of these posts. I started with about 140 seeds that I started for germination. Not all germinated and then I lost a few seedlings under the lights before I got them set right.
Thanks Scott.
These next few are of Jalapenos, Jimmy Nardello,s and Biker Billy's. They are all putting out flowers already and I still over a month till plant out. If I had to guess I would say that I picked 50-75 flower buds off so far. 




Now for the list
Carolina Reaper - 3
Naga Morich - 2
Caribbean Red Hab - 5
Ghost and CRH mix - 6
Choc Bhut - 1
Thai Fire - 8
Fatalli - 4
Mad Ballz - 3
Giant White Hab - 2
Ja Hab - 2
Barrackapore - 6
Naga Morich + 7 pot - 1
Choco Hab - 4
Yellow Scorpion - 6
Sweet Ghost -1
Ghost - 1 (germinated another 6, 4 have sprouted and will be potted today)
Jalapeno - 7
Biker Billy - 2
Jimmy Nardello - 6
Scotch Bonnet -1
Mystery - 2
Thanks again Scott. I agree they are ready and so am I. I have about 18 that could hit the dirt today but I still have to wait for the temps to get warmer. Deff going to be another month before dirt day. 
I figured I would start them a little earlier this year to try and get a jump on the season, I think I started some way to soon. LOL
I think most of us did this season, but it's all good!
They will produce really well for you, mine are in the dirt and some are flowering and setting pods. I big contrast to last year.
Good luck and don't rush it!
I am doing my best to be patient. We had a pretty rough winter here with the temps. Still waiting for them to get to normal for this time of year, which is in the 50's to low 60's. They are calling for them to start getting to more normal temps next week so that is a good sign. Hell we had snow last week. I think that is why this year has been dragging so slow so far. Seeing the plants grow like they are and knowing that I still have another month to go. If they were smaller I think I would be better LOL