Kung Paos

Here we go:



And the family pic:


Left to right: KP, Cayenne, Fajita Bell, "Burpee Habanero"(hungarian wax), and another KP.

One of my KPs is starting to get all over darker green, which looks to me like it wants to turn red. We'll see.
Beautiful shots Pepperhead! Are you just teasing that plant on the right by just showing it that big 5 gallon bucket? haha
I love the nice high tops on those buckets, easy to stack them for making self watering planters.
Beautiful shots Pepperhead! Are you just teasing that plant on the right by just showing it that big 5 gallon bucket? haha
I love the nice high tops on those buckets, easy to stack them for making self watering planters.

Yeah, it was in the big bucket for a while and just wasn't doing so well, so I put it in some better soil in that smaller pot. It eventually out grew that pot and is currently back in that same bucket.

Looks like some of those will be ripe in 2 weeks tops. lol @ teasing the one on the right.

The funny thing is, those pictures are a few weeks old...although as of this afternoon, one of those pods looks slightly purple, so maybe I'm in the home stretch.
For the last two years I have started seeds a friend from South Korea gave me and they look very similar to the pictures of Dave2000's. Here is a link to someone who sells them in the states http://www.evergreen...hotpehylog.html Unfortunately this year I started my seeds way to late and didn't put a lot of effort into them. I gave away all of the plants except one and ended up killing it. I bought a Kung-Pao plant to plant in its place and it did very well this year. Even through our blistering weeks of 100-105 heat. I have it planted in a fairly large planter and as long as I gave it water it did well. I still have the packages of seeds plus another one my friend gave me. I will have to email him and ask him to tell me which one is which since I can't read korean. They are very similar except one is fairly hot and the other is quite mild. They have a green pepper taste plus some heat. I started getting more serious into growing peppers and bought a Badboy t5 so I could bring in some of my pepper plants plus I want to try to start some from seeds and grow them through the winter.
^ Thanks for the link BeerPimp, those do look sort of like mine... though when I google search for Korean Hot Pepper I see so many variations in shape that now I'm thinking that means "any pepper grown in Korea that we don't have an english translation for".
^ Thanks for the link BeerPimp, those do look sort of like mine... though when I google search for Korean Hot Pepper I see so many variations in shape that now I'm thinking that means "any pepper grown in Korea that we don't have an english translation for".

Haha. Ya I know what you mean. Like I said I will check with my friend to confirm which one is the hot variety and post pictures of the seed pouch.
A red one!


My original plan for this season was to uproot everything, then start over fresh next year with my superhots, but that fajita bell has been sitting between cayenne and Hungarian Wax and I'm kinda curious what might pop from the seeds next year. And I might plant it between two supers next year to see how hot I can get it. BWA-HA-HA-HA!

Edit: I'm not one of those guys that tests superhots on You Tube. As much as I like spicy food, I have never eaten a whole pod other than the pickled pepperoncinis in the salads at Olive Garden. Took a little bite of the end of this pod and it immediately hit me with heat, although the flavor was more green bell pepper. So I thought "What the heck?" and popped the rest of the pepper into my mouth.
Instant burn, and better flavor. Runny nose for a while, really hit back of the tongue and roof of the mouth. Definately into the hot sauce with these. Looks like at least 2 more will change soon.
haha, the bottom of the pepper test is always the most deceiving. There's little to no seeds or membrane on the bottom, so I have done the same thing many times. Take a nibble off the end, not so bad, pop the rest in your mouth............ where the F**k is the milk? :fireball:
haha great looking pod. You can make some tasty hot sauce with those kung pao chiles.
No pictures today, but once one went, they all started going. Got quite a few picked and even my second shorty KP is getting red ones. I'll try to get some pictures posted later, but one cayenne and the taller Kung Pao have really lighter droopy leaves, while my littler one looks lush and green. Everything is sitting outside in pretty much the same dirt mixture (except the smaller which is more recently transplanted with potting soil) but watering is the same. Is it just the potting soil keeping its greenery up? Any special nutes maybe bring the other 2 back?
I just hit mine with some love and waiting to see if the plants turn dark green again. I have 4 of about 70 plants that are looking nutrient deficient and hope that all they needed was some fert.
^ I sometimes see that when the plants are growing a lot of peppers at once, so in a given amount of time they don't get as big, and also near end of season. I'm curious about when end of season will be this year with the very mild winter we saw last year and the above average summer temps.