• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Kwest13's glog - 2013 - First time grower - Super hots added today

Hello all.
I think I have finally gathered up enough content to start my first glog up. So here we are.​
Location: Florida (South)​
Zone: 10A​
I'll start by posting three different mini sections:
1) Seeds and sprouts.
2) Potted up, planted, and seedlings.
3) Inventory (soil, fertilizers, ect.)
Seeds and sprouts.
I chose to use Hell Hot Peppers (http://hellhotpeppers.com/) for most of the seeds because I liked the selection they had.
The seeds were priced well and they shipped very fast. 

Here they are listed:
  • Purple Jalapeno
  • Numex Twilight
  • Mini Yellow Bell
  • Thai Hot
  • Peter Pepper
  • Monster Cayenne
  • Pumpkin Pepper
*** I am sowing super hots as well but am getting them from somewhere else. I will be sowing Trinidad Moruga Scorpion and Bhut Jolokia seeds.
I cut a 72 cell seed tray and mini greenhouse into 6 cell sections and sowed two seeds per cell in a Jiffy seed starting mix.  I watered from the bottom and then lightly sprayed the top with filtered room temperature water. I used cut in half paint sticks for temporary labeling. I did not soak any seeds prior to sowing.

Here is today (8 days later). I have started to separate the ones germinating into another tray so I can move them in and out of sunlight and breeze while the other seeds still remain indoors and mostly covered. The taller sprouts on the bottom left are Pumpkin peppers and only took 3 days to germinate, and then followed by the Aji Limons that took 5 days. 95% of the rest are germinating right now and soon will all be in one tray.

I have been trying to get light on the sprouts as much as possible. It's the south Florida summer so It can be hot sunshine one day and stormy and rainy the next. I have not invested in proper artificial lighting so during the night or in dark weather during the day, i've been sticking the sprouts on top of my golf cart up as close as I can get to the fluorescent garage light.   :confused:

End of section.
Potted up, planted, and seedlings.
This section will contain what I have potted up and planted outside. Photos were taken from the same time period as the above seeds and sprouts photos. This is just what I already have growing. Most of these are or were starter plants from stores or local nurseries. Only a couple were from seed. Here is a list:
Potted and planted:
1 Trinidad Moruga Scorpion
1 Trinidad Scorpion Chocolate
1 Brain Strain Red
2 Hot cayenne
2 Jalapeno
1 Mammoth jalapeno
1 Habanero
1 Habanero (Bonnie's "World's Hottest." Apparently supposed to be a Fatalii or Yellow bhut jolokia)
2 Hot banana
6 Sweet banana
1 Cajun Belle
1 Red bell
1 Yellow bell
2 Green bell
*** Also a couple photos below of a ground garden that contains various vegetables
Tiny plants and seedlings:
5 Bhut jolokia
9 Jalapeno
9 Golden cayenne
9 Bonnie's Chili red (possibly a Serrano / Cayenne)





Partial shaded ground garden with various vegetables:


If bad weather is coming, most of the pots are moved nearby under partial shelter. And I usually move my bhut jolokia seedlings in the garage under a light.

End of section.
Inventory (soil, fertilizers, ect.)
In this last section is just some of the items and materials i'm using that i've been able to find locally.





The potting soil seems to be working okay. I don't think i've been using it long enough to really tell. I haven't used the top soil or lava rocks for anything yet.
After the first set of transplants I started adding a lot more perlite and it seems to help a lot. I stopped using the Miracle Grow perlite after I saw that it had it's "famous" MG fertilizer in it. I switched to the pure perlite. I have not tried the vermiculite yet.
Two fertilizers. I've only fertilized once so far and I used the MG Liquid (9-4-9). I have not used the Jobe's orgranic (2-5-3) yet. In the past couple days i've gotten some fresh new dark green leaves growing on some of my more yellow plants. I'm not sure if that's from the fertilizer or changing my watering habits (I was over watering for awhile).
End of section.
Well here is a rough copy of the first post in my first glog attempt. There will be additions to what i'm growing. I already have some super hot seedlings and additional seeds on the way in the mail that will be added soon.   :fireball: 
Advice, suggestions, questions, comments, and replies are always appreciated. Thanks for reading.   :onfire:
Lookin good buddy! I was going to say, No super hots??? Tehn I saw your Brainstrain on the list. Right on!!!
Additions (5/25/2013)
Brain Strain Red, Trinidad Moruga Scorpion, and Trinidad Scorpion Chocolate.
These came in the mail from Baker's Peppers. They look a little rough maybe from the 3 day shipping process. He says they trim the top of the plant for better growing.

And potted up 3 more young guys. Golden Cayenne, another Jalapeno, and Bonnie's Chili red.