labels-artwork label update- which is better?

One? or Two?  Like at the eye doctor~~~ :lol:
I'm considering updating the label colors.  Current label is black and red.  Should I add in the yellow or keep it as is?
PE color options.JPG
another question-  (You didn't think one answer would do it, did you?   ;) )
The above labels are for the dropper bottles.  The outer tins will have a label set up like the one on the left below.  Larger, simple, eyecatching...hopefully...
Which Font for "Capsaicin Drops" keeping in mind the font on the left is a little skinny, but is the sort of 'creepy looking' font as PureEvil.  I can re-draw the letters to bulk them up like the font on the right.  The CapDrops font on the right was the same font as 'Texas Creek' but "Texas Creek" is no longer on the label.
Too many different fonts?

the right capsaicin drops font is easier to read imo.
i like that " Pure Evil " is big and stands out.with the different font.
then the rest of the type with the same font as the capsaicin drops, 1 normal readable font.
not sure what color i would make capsaicin drops then lol
also non-extract isn't very descriptive for me. unless that is the major selling point. 
hope that helps some?
thanks, juanitos.  I appreciate the comments.
"Non-Extract" is important.  The Pure Evil isn't a hot sauce, it is drops that are added to food to make it hotter.  Some sauces contain extract, which is a completely different product.  We work really hard to differentiate the Pure Evil drops from extracts. 
I'll see if I can do a quick revision of the creepy font.  BRB~
In the label juanitos commented on there were 3 fonts-
Pure Evil- custom
Capsaicin Drops- Gorrilla
Rest of the Details- MV Boli
Here's a sample with just the Custom and Gorrilla-
PE front sameFonts.JPG

Thanks, Pookie!  That's a lot of help!!!  :lol:  I could of done that without all the posting, but what fun is that? :lol:
But Seriously, I appreciate everyone's input and I know from past threads of this type, when others look at the label, they see things that the designer doesn't.  I'm working on a combination of the last couple designs and tweaking things a bit.  Will post in a little bit.
alkhall- thanks for your comment. 
Extract, as it is commonly known in the hot sauce making world, is the capsaicinoid compounds of peppers that are leached out or extracted using a few different methods, some of which involve solvents, ketones and I dunno what all else.  It is often listed as pepper extract, oleoresin, and a few other names.  It is often mixed with a vegetable oil as a carrier.  It is a thick oily substance and tastes horrible.  People often describe the taste as metallic or like 'eating copper pennies'.  It boosts the heat in sauces, but also imbibes a very discernible taste.  
Here's a picture of extract in the 3rd from left bottle and some other capsaicin drops that I make.  The one on the left is 8 mil SHU, a 1.5 mil SHU not shook up and the far right is a 1.5mil that is shook up. 
Thanks, Crispee-  it should look good on a glossy black tin.
Different Pure Evils were added to the inventory over a several years and new labels were not consistent with the original ones.  Packaging changed, bottle sizes changed, it's time to get all the designs consistent and cohesive. 
salsalady said:
Well, I guess this is the final-ish front label for the tins. 
PE front label snip.JPG
Thanks for everyone's comments.  It does help to have other eyes on the subject. 
And if anyone else happens to stop by, feel free to chime in.  Labels aren't going to print for a week or two.

I like that one also, I do graphic design and If you ever need anything done just left me know, I'm always here to help :dance: