labels Labels for 5oz woozy bottle

I want to try and make some labels for Christmas gifts with some sauce. Any suggestions would be great. I want to try and make them myself on my computer. Thanks !
Are you looking for labels that reflect the holidays or your chilies? Or both. How about pic of a large pod decorated like a Christmas tree and a chili wreath around the whole thing.
tctenten said:
If you buy the Avery labels, their templates are easy to use for basic stuff. I have a thread in the hot sauce section and they were all done with Avery labels and their templates.
That's the one I was trying to remember thanks brother!! What size ?
If your home printer isn't the best, you can put the label design on a thumb drive and take it to an office supply store. They can print it for you.
Justaguy said:
I use Avery 5164 for mine. Use microsoft office template the print to doPDF to make it a PDF file and then to my thumbdrive and off to fedex office where they print for cheap since it is a PDF and I bring my own stock for them to print it on.
will those smear when wet ?