• If you have a question about commercial production or the hot sauce business, please post in Startup Help.

Ladies and gentlemen, for your consideration...


eXtreme Business
Of The Hot Pepper forum, I present for your consideration, my very first jar of hot sauce...


I based the ingredients pretty much on AJ's recipe in this section (for ever 100g of peppers, 60ml of white vinegar, 1 teaspoon of organic agave nectar, and 1/4 teaspoon of seasalt).

I had exactly enough for 1 8 ounce mason jar of pure, unadulterated hot sauce goodness. I only de-seeded about 4 of the TS Morugas (had a total of 15 used plus the 7 Douglahs).... I didn't even have to taste it, since despite my fume hood going at full blast to suck up the exhaust, I could still smell it. The sauce itself, over the hour I cooked it, went from roughly the consistency of a cut hot sauce to that of what I've come to expect from marinara sauce. In fact it looks like a devilishly delicious marinara sauce, one which, if I were so inclined, to give to a friend as a gag gift.

Here's the other pics: http://public.fotki....co-1/first-jar/

Right now, I have it cooling off in my fridge, and it should definitely be ready for all my friends tomorrow to try out :)
If you wanna come to our D&D group tomorrow night on Miami Beach, by all means! :) Otherwise, I'll have to buy some peppers from someone. I'll do the ordering first thing in the morning. When I'm about ready, I'll send you a PM to give me your addy and I'll send you a jar for testing :)
You got it :) I just ordered 6 boxes worth of peppers from Baker's Peppers, and as soon as I get them, I'll be making more. I think this first go around, I overdid it as far as the reduction. AJ's recommendation was 25% and I think I did more like 50% I didn't do the bamboo stick method, I just eyeballed it, and took a wild guess that it was under medium heat.

But the initial tests are positive thus far. I brought the jar with me to work since I'll be going straight to D&D, and already three people wanna try it out :)
Looks good, nice color....................be careful with a wooden spoon, can't sterilize that one. Did you pressure can or do intend to just refridgerate the next batch?
I unfortunately do not have a pressure canner, so I have little choice but to put them straight to the fridge.

Though... I just looked up on Amazon, and found several pressure canners/cookers that are relatively inexpensive, which would be a good option. I'll look to see what's the best deal and get one to can the next batch
Update: The taste test, was a success. The guys (the ones who were brave enough to taste it anyways), all agreed that instead if it being a standalone sauce, it should be best used as base for other stuff. They all agreed that true to the morugas I put in the sauce, the heat didn't hit all at once, it built and built until it reached an excellent climax and then gradually went back down, which they all said was awesome! The taste was good, not too sweet and not too tart and had a citrus aroma to it.

I already went ahead and got myself 24 8-oz jars for canning, and once I get something to do pressure canning with, I'll go ahead and do a very, very sadistic barbecue sauce. I know Sam's Club has a 152oz bottle of barbecue sauce I can use as a base :)
Bad experience?
deng.. im down!!! this time ill pay to have it shipped.... awesome BBQ saw you got me last time... loved it.. had my dad and his buddy try it...felt the slow kick like me... nice and yummy then BAMMMM... gets ya...

keep it up eclap.. good luck on your business venture.
Thank you, good sir! And Thank you for the honest review. As it stands now, I have no more peppers to actually do more puree, but I still quite a bit left of that original 8-ounce jar to use as a base. This puree was from the peppers I got from PepperLover, so unless/until I get more, I'll have to wait until my own plants begin producing.

And as far as the business side, once I actually have some peppers to work with, I'll try some recipes out, then work something out with a commercial bottler to get a few cases ready to go. I'm also looking to have a Storefront on Amazon to help generate sales.