Landrace Chiles of Northern New Mexico

Potowie, I think you are right. 16 years ago, I moved from New Mexico to the Seattle area. My first garden here included some Big Jims from my Hatch supply. They grew wonderfully and the pods were as big and beautiful as can be. I picked them and immediately roasted them on the bbq and they tasted awful compared to what I was used to. Believe me, I know what the chiles from Hatch taste like, and these did not even come close to that. I never even considered growing NuMex long green chiles in WA again till this year. If I am able to get some good pods this year, I know they will not be the same as those grown in NM because of the climate, soil, etc. differences. I am going to try the land race chiles next year. Maybe, our cold weather will not be such a factor with these chiles. I hope to spend some time on some local farms in Espanola, Chimayo, and other towns next month in my quest to learn more about these chiles of northern NM. If I am lucky enough to obtain some original stock of seeds from them, I will be happy to trade/pay forward to THP members. I know seeds can be obtained online, but I want to get to know some of these local farmers and bring back seeds and goods that I buy from them personally. I think it is important to help these farmers by buying as much of their products as possible.

My Española chiles. There are 6 plants like this one. These have a wonderfully, intense, rich flavor. Heat is variable; I estimate 1000-5000 SHU.


The plants are quite bushy for C. annuum. I was planning to grow Chimayo instead of this one next year, but now that I've tasted Española... So many chile varieties and so little time!
Wow, that is a nice collection. Jim Duffy has added several varieties since I last looked at his site, many that I have never heard of. And here I thought I was done ordering seeds for the year :drooling: