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Largest hab type pepper I've seen

I grew some plants from grocery store purchased peppers (well I pulled the seeds last year). The fruit looks habanero / bonnetish and they are quite hot too and have a good sweetness. I saw one today which is like 2x the size of the others. They are pretty large in general. Maybe twice the size of my orange and chocolate habs but this one is a monster.

Here is a pic of it on top of my 18-55 canon lens :) I picked about 10 peppers to make raw habanero poppers.

Ok guys, I dont know what these are but the are F'n HOT. I just made some raw cheese stuff peppers (cream cheese, feta, garlic, cumin, salt, black pepper) and ate just half of one. They were fairly de-seeded too but it hit so hard. My stomach is burning, my ears are ringing. This is just as bad as when i ate an orange habanero seeds and all with nothing to eat or drink. What kind of large red pepper like this can be so hot? Skin is very smooth. The placenta is not white...its pinkish red so approaching the colour of the pepper itself. Seeds are white. Pepper is also not very thin walled either. Its very fragrant and just from the smell, you know it will be a hot one.

damn contour! if thats one of the ones you sent me i'll have fun testing that one! they look like giant red savinas! can't wait till you'r package arrives! those look deliscious!
There aren't a lot of large hot peppers.

Rocoto, poblano, well that's about it.

If you got the seeds from a pepper from the store it could be that it was a hybrid and these peppers are showing whatever genes one of the original parents was.
I definitely did send you one of those. Its not as big as the one in the picture but same pepper. I had two of those poppers at work today and ummm I think that was too much. I can feel it burning away in my stomach. LOL.

damn contour! if thats one of the ones you sent me i'll have fun testing that one! they look like giant red savinas! can't wait till you'r package arrives! those look deliscious!