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Last harvest of the year

just thought my last harvest of the year..Went to my garden there where no leaves left on the plants they musta got nailed with some frost all shriveled up and brown..I decided its time for my last harvest and to pull the plants...this is what I got lol...now what to do with them...lol
i just borrowed a few dehydrators for when they ripen...im keeping seeds if anyone wants them and well my chef buddy has a few ideas for hot sauces
here the season ended abruptly too, when last tuesday it froze the bricks out of the walls... I've heard/read from people that they 'continue' growing the peppers on naked plants but is that possible after such a frost-event ? some peppers still look firm but others look like they have been pickled ;-) (or did those dry up and got killed from dehydration even before frost gave the fatal blow?)
Tomorrow will be the soonest I can pick all the fruits (to go in the freezer I guess) - can I use/store those shrivelled ones ?
