Laughable article about stolen peppers that go for $120/lb

Hilarious. Hyping up some peppers so he can sell pods for $120/lb. Good ole American businessman. He probably got his seeds free from this site and is looking to sell them for $1 each. Love how everything is always "world's hottest" when entrepreneurs are talking about their peppers. When was the last time you heard of a hot pepper in the media advertised as being among the "world's tastiest" or the "world's most prolific". My father cut a newspaper article out recently to share with me. It was about a local grower cultivating some of the world's hottest peppers - they were hinkelhatz!
ms1476 said:
Hilarious. Hyping up some peppers so he can sell pods for $120/lb. Good ole American businessman. He probably got his seeds free from this site and is looking to sell them for $1 each. Love how everything is always "world's hottest" when entrepreneurs are talking about their peppers. When was the last time you heard of a hot pepper in the media advertised as being among the "world's tastiest" or the "world's most prolific". My father cut a newspaper article out recently to share with me. It was about a local grower cultivating some of the world's hottest peppers - they were hinkelhatz!
There was one here in Austin from the farmers market that was claiming to be hotter then a bhut but I forget what variety it was.  I looked the pepper up and it had 100-200K scoville.  Not mild but not even a super hot.  
However, there was that article someone posted a while back that had the pepper industry as the 3rd fastest growing industry behind green technology and housing dvelopment/construction... and said that super-hots were the second most lucrative cash crop behind marijuana... apparently.  Ill try to find it... brb

Found it!!!! Here is the actual article... followed by the thread on THP where it was originally shared: