Launching My Hot Pepper Operation :)

Hey folks, as many of you know and have seen from my glog and posts I have been working hard to learn, research and work towards launching my own pepper business up here in Canada.
At this point, I am now facing some hurdles that I'm having a tough time overcoming, financially, that are time sensitive so I've started a crowdfunding campaign in the hopes of hopefully overcoming these hurdles.
I've already had a couple of generous donations and though the site I'm using is unlike Kickstarter or others where you can receive rewards in exchange, I do believe in giving back. I've traded seeds with plenty of people here on the forum in my time here, and I'll gladly treat this project much the same as those other crowdfunding sites. I'll proudly list each contributor on my website once it launches (if they want), and where possible I'd send seeds as a thank-you - whether from my current supply or from this season's harvest. I'd also gladly advertise your spicy/pepper business/organization website to my Twitter ([twitter]SuperHotsCanada[/twitter]) following as a way of giving back and helping to support the community.​
I've turned to this particular campaign site because unlike the others it does not impose a time limit and allows me to list the donations I've received towards my goal from outside sources (such as PayPal). I have been raised to believe that if you receive help that you in turn give back however you may - and so, that is my goal. If there is any other way I might give back, in exchange, then I am open to suggestions! :)
[[ UPDATE: 2015-04-23 @ 11:56 PM - Based on responses I've revised the description on the campaign page and changed the title. Hopefully the objective is more clear now. Thanks! ]]​
I really dig your enthusiasm, but you have to understand that it's kinda tough to solicit donations from your potential future customers to build your greenhouse for you. It's almost like saying "I want to be a veggie farmer, but I don't have any land. Want to buy some for me?"
Have you looked into a small business loan? Personal loan?
"If there is any other way I might give back, in exchange, then I am open to suggestions!" - In the business world, investors would want a return on their investment.... as in a stake in the business.
I'm not trying to offend, just trying to be honest as to why nobody's jumping on board. I really do wish you the best of luck, my friend.
Phil said:
I really dig your enthusiasm, but you have to understand that it's kinda tough to solicit donations from your potential future customers to build your greenhouse for you. It's almost like saying "I want to be a veggie farmer, but I don't have any land. Want to buy some for me?"
Have you looked into a small business loan? Personal loan?
I'm not trying to offend, just trying to be honest as to why nobody's jumping on board. I really do wish you the best of luck, my friend.
Hi Phil,
I do -completely- understand that. That's why I really have -zero- expectations and why I'm more than happy to give back however I might be able. :)
Yes, I have looked into many different loan options and government programs, as well as consulting with my MLA (Member of Legislative Assembly - kind of equivalent to US State Rep, I believe). One major loan organization here in Canada called "Farm Credit Canada" informed me that because of my credit the only way they would consider providing a loan would be if I put up at least 25%-50%. So if they were to offer a $50k loan I'd need to already have $12.5k-$25k in pocket. I got the same result when I looked into a government program called "Nova Scotia Farm Loan Board", despite the fact that their programs are intended to help new farmers start from -scratch-. And the same went when I looked into another government program offered through a Credit Union called "Canadian Agricultural Loan Act program". Even the local government-backed non-profit organization that focuses on helping start-ups offered me the same answer.
My MLA had suggested that there were grant programs that I might be eligible for - especially here in my province where the government is trying to promote a return to Agriculture, but when I put in a written request his office recently (finally) responded that there was nothing they could do to help me out. No mention of any of the grant program names or anything - just a short email saying there was nothing.
All the financial backing options I find all end up being roadblocks, so it feels like my last resort is crowdfunding or investors. My only thought on how to begin with investors is to try and get past some of these "smaller" hurdles so that I can get to the point where I'm actually selling so that then I at least have some real numbers to work with - something functional. I am still attempting to do web development work for clients (which is also part of my business plan), to bring in income to help along the way.
It comes down to attempting to explore all angles I can to make this a reality. :)
Some or none - I'm determined to reach my goals one way or another. *nod*
Bad breaks, man. I feel for you. Keep reaching for your dream.
Have you thought of starting smaller and using whatever revenue you can bring in to build up incrementally? Baby steps would help rebuild your credit. What can you afford to do now, without loans, or with smaller loans? Big things can't be built overnight. Blood, sweat, tears, and perserverance will get you there.
Phil said:
Bad breaks, man. I feel for you. Keep reaching for your dream.
Have you thought of starting smaller and using whatever revenue you can bring in to build up incrementally? Baby steps would help rebuild your credit. What can you afford to do now, without loans, or with smaller loans? Big things can't be built overnight. Blood, sweat, tears, and perserverance will get you there.
This is looking smaller. Maybe the write-up on the campaign page wasn't clear on that though. Right now I'm just looking to pass some minimal hurdles - such as getting enough to register my business or buy soil. I'm certainly not aiming to get the money I'd be looking for from a loan - I'm not reaching to build a commercial greenhouse with this GoFundMe page. :)
p.s. Thank you for the feedback, patience, and all, Phil :)
going full commercial is hard, i'd would need to sell 37,500 plants a year to make a decent living (not factoring in risk, or startup costs, so probably more).
good luck.
juanitos said:
going full commercial is hard, i'd would need to sell 37,500 plants a year to make a decent living (not factoring in risk, or startup costs, so probably more).
I know.. that's why I'm aiming for just enough to -start- and to make it through the next few months in terms of supplies, etc. Given the reactions, it seems like I did a poor job of wording my post by giving the impression that I'm looking for -far- more than I'm reaching for. *grumbles* Lesson learned.
My ultimate goal is still to hopefully find a loan program or investors to sign on to help me reach that commercial level. Either way, I'm not giving up and I'll find a way to make it happen - I've learned that much from attending entrepreneurship seminars, online research, meeting with Business Development specialists, even making contact with investors (at least one that, if he ever has time in his hectic schedule, might have a real interest in investing *crosses fingers*)
I do my best to be careful with many of my posts on this forum. From day one I've seen my experience here as a learning experience - and that never ceases to fail. One way or another, I gain from this topic thanks to the folks here. :) (please don't construe that with sucking up! lol)