Red LAVA (Long Tail)
 Red LAVA (short tail)

Yellow LAVA

Red and Chocolate LAVA Short tail 

Red LAVA Bubble 

Red LAVA Drop

Hi Judy! So nice of you to stop in, with pics of the LAVA's no less!! Those look incredible - especially the bubble! (looks like it may have some Bubblegum mixed in... basing that solely on the 'bleeding' calyx and occasional elongated characteristic some of the various BBG7's exibit.) Beautiful pods!
Most of all, and most enthusiastically looking forward to (was hoping to see even a single new pic or any info, but not a total let down with the awesome pics posted!  ;) ) - what about the BLACK Lava!?!?  My local friend Mr. Moore is the only one who I know (& certainly personally) who has actually tried one, but I've not even dared to ask him anything about it. I'm kind of under the assumption the black is a bit 'hush-hush'. Hope not.
I admittedly was a bit envious of those who got to try the powder out when you had Black Lava powder available; I heard nothing but the best reviews as to it!
Thanks again for the awesome pics! Really looking forward to what's in store in the future (these Lava's are certainly a most worthy appetizer!!) 