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hydroponic Leaf Curl? - Hydroponics

Hey all, so i started my hydroponics grow a month or two ago. This is my first time trying hydroponics. I only have a couple plants going right now as i wanted to get all my issues ironed out before i filled all my slots up. So far I have about 6 plants and most have bad leaf curl or are stunted growth and i can't figure out what the problem is.

As far as nutes go, I'm using the GH flora series.

I have tried my PPM from 550-650
My PH from 6-6.5.

From everything i have read that is the right levels for peppers. Here is a couple pictures.

Plant is a Mustard Hab.



I was going to do a clean res and try the Lucas Formula for my next cycle and see if that changes anything. But i'm really out of ideas. What typically causes this?

- Slow
Wow, that plant is jacked up!

Just curious to know what your feeding amount of each are for the GH series. My first though is a calcium issue based on the bumpy, wrinkly and distored leaves but the GH line is something like 5-6% cal which is sufficent. I will however make a few suggestions though outside of a calcium issue which are not bad things to look at from time to time.

Are you using tap water? If so, assuming you have a TDS, what is the ppm out of tap. Me personally, I use RO/DI water that I filter here at the house that is 0ppm due to my crappy tap that would NOT work in hydro when it's 700+ppm out of tap haha.

What is the res water temp? Temps in the high 70s to low 80s will affect the ability of the water to hold oxygen content but I'm not sure if that would cause what you are seening now. It will cause stunted growth and such but what you are seening is wicked.

There are a lot of good guys on here that are good on hydro issues, maybe they can weigh in and give you some advice.

I would dump out everything and start new. Check and monitor the temps of water and i start my ph at 5,5 and let it rise to 6.5 for me thats like 6-10 days looks like some bumpy ass leaves! Hopefully an exppert will chime in to rescue
Wow, that plant is jacked up!

Just curious to know what your feeding amount of each are for the GH series. My first though is a calcium issue based on the bumpy, wrinkly and distored leaves but the GH line is something like 5-6% cal which is sufficent. I will however make a few suggestions though outside of a calcium issue which are not bad things to look at from time to time.

Are you using tap water? If so, assuming you have a TDS, what is the ppm out of tap. Me personally, I use RO/DI water that I filter here at the house that is 0ppm due to my crappy tap that would NOT work in hydro when it's 700+ppm out of tap haha.

What is the res water temp? Temps in the high 70s to low 80s will affect the ability of the water to hold oxygen content but I'm not sure if that would cause what you are seening now. It will cause stunted growth and such but what you are seening is wicked.

There are a lot of good guys on here that are good on hydro issues, maybe they can weigh in and give you some advice.


I use about 15-20ml of each, micro, bloom, and grow.

I use tap water but it's starting PPM is only like 134ish. I fill about 6 5 gallon buckets and let them sit a couple days before I do a nute change to get rid of the chlorine in the water. I usually put about 30-35 gallons of water total in the system.

Res temps have been ranging from 72-80 degrees, which i know is on the high side. I have a water chiller in the mail and on its way, in the mean time i have been putting frozen 1 gallon cartons in the res to try and keep the temps closer to the 70 side.

As far as oxygen, could i be over doing the oxygen? Or is it more likely that the high temp is causing them to not get enough? I have 4 air stones in my system going non stop. 1 in each tube. Each tube can hold 3 plants.

Thanks for the input guys.
Sounds like everything is fine, even with the rest temps being the way they are it shouldn't cause issues like that. I honestly can't think of anything else that might cause the issue.

I dont think you can over do it on the oxygen. Anyway to look at the root system and see if you have any roots starting to go bad? I had a peach bhut DWC last year that had 4 6" air stones in a 5 gal bucket, it was a work of art haha. Lately I had an idea about incorporating a home brew beer fermenting technique into DWC and soil based watering. There is still some research I need to do on getting specifics, but if it works I think it will have outstanding results...

I'm using general hydroponics with lucas formula and I've seen similar leaves to yours but that's only when the plants has uptake most of the nutrients. I've run between 500 to 1200 PPM at 0.7(Standard US) conversion, or 900 to 2000 EC. Depending on plant size of course and it's stage in life.

How often do you flush and clean the reservoir? I've done it every two weeks and I also use the lucas formula addback method to keep the nutes topped.
What about algae? I had a lot of algae around some of the plants and noticed the ones that did, including the one pictured were doing much worse than the ones that didn't have any around them. I've gone and trashed all the plants except for 2, only because i'm waiting for my chemicals to come so i can do a good cleaning. Then i'm going to start fresh with new growing medium. If anyone was thinking about using Sure to Grow. Don't. It's terrible. Algae out the ass. Going to get some Hydroton and start over.
No need to toss out any hydroton you already have. Just toss it in some boiling water for 15min or so and it's good as new!

No need to toss out any hydroton you already have. Just toss it in some boiling water for 15min or so and it's good as new!


O, yea i know. I don't have any hydroton atm. I started off with Sure To Grow. Which was terrible. So i'm going to get some hydroton and use it instead.
Ohhh gothca... I figured there was no sense in you having to go out and buy more when you can just boil it :P.... Im still curious as to what is causing the issue with that plant.. maybe it's just a genetically funky plant? :P
