Leaf discoloration What is it?




What is wrong with my babies?
I water them every 2-3 days there outside and get plenty of sun and it has not been hotter here then 85.
no nutes could it be a nute deficiency 

I dont think it is sunburn and the reason for this 2 plants have it and 1 does not. Also some of the leaves that have this discoloration are on the bottom and really don't get a lot of sunlight. Also I just put them outside like 2 weeks ago and before putting them out some had the same problem with yellow colors and they were under LED 5 watt grow lights and towards a window. 
twisterdude1009 said:
no nutes could it be a nute deficiency 

I dont think it is sunburn and the reason for this 2 plants have it and 1 does not. Also some of the leaves that have this discoloration are on the bottom and really don't get a lot of sunlight. Also I just put them outside like 2 weeks ago and before putting them out some had the same problem with yellow colors and they were under LED 5 watt grow lights and towards a window. 
Depends on the soil you used and how long they have been in it. Generally they look pretty good. Looks like you may need some extra calcium, some of your new growth looks deformed, or possibly just a little aphid damage. They may just be getting used to there new outdoor life it very well could be sun/heat related on the crispy areas, you said it has been very hot and keeping them on that black plastic is going to make a very hot microclimate.(Edit...My bad, you said it has not been hotter than 85, thought you said hotter than 85)

I wouldn't put too much worry into it yet as they look pretty healthy.
Topsmoke said:
sure looks like overfertilization. If you arent feeding them you must expect the soil to do that so whats in the soil? what's its ph?
Judging by how green those leaves are, definetly alot of N and Mg in there. I also am curious on what soil he's using.
I have used  Miracle-Gro Moisture Control Potting Mix since seedlings and nothing else and they have loved it.

they have been fine in this for 4 months.
I experimented with it on a few plants this year with pretty good results. It did start to loose some calcium supply by the 4th month and had to intigrate calmag into my watering. Mabey whats going on with yours? I think the osmicote type they use in it aint very high in calcium to which the peppers need.
sevenstrings said:
I experimented with it on a few plants this year with pretty good results. It did start to loose some calcium supply by the 4th month and had to intigrate calmag into my watering. Mabey whats going on with yours? I think the osmicote type they use in it aint very high in calcium to which the peppers need.
I have this
Should I also buy some calcium? If so what do you suggest?
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