I am just starting out, first attempt at a grow season..tons of people suggest using solo cups for small plants. Curious why you recommend against it? Taking in as much info as I canTopsmoke said:black leaf edges are usually a good indicator of moisture issues, let the top of the soil go dry before watering and never use plastic cups for pots. Minor issues like these are normally grown out of.Â
 ÂTopsmoke said:black leaf edges are usually a good indicator of moisture issues, let the top of the soil go dry before watering and never use plastic cups for pots. Minor issues like these are normally grown out of.
I'm curious about this too. Check out Khang Starr's YouTube videos, he uses the double cup method and his plants always look great:cubbieblue82 said:I am just starting out, first attempt at a grow season..tons of people suggest using solo cups for small plants. Curious why you recommend against it? Taking in as much info as I can