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Leaf issues - virus??

Hi everyone

I'm having a few problems with some of my plants leaves. I've had them growing in Osmocote multipurpose potting mix and water them only every couple of days/when they're drooping since summer in Perth has now ended. Recently there have been a few plants that have started to get weird marks on the leaves, mostly along the veins, and one of the plants with the marks has gone noticably more yellow than the others (but still more green than yellow).

Another plant has also got lots of little spots on the stem which I can't rub off but can kinda scratch off (lightly) with my fingernails. The leaves also get weird with brown spots (like freckles) starting from the leaf stem (where it joins to the stem) and progress through to the end of the leaf. This also causes holes to form in the leaves sometimes. Any ideas would be appreciated. Also I'm keen to know your thoughts on whether to keep them or get rid of them in case they infect the others. Thanks everyone.

First plant - Supposed to be a Bhut Jolokia but I got the seeds from ebay so not sure




Second plant - Red seven pot

Difficult to see but these spots are all over the stem

Also hard to see the spots on the leaf but there are very small brown spots mostly along the main vein closer to the stem


Thanks again!
I have a red hab and a Trinidad Scorp with that. It looked exactly like what your leaf looks like in the 2nd pic. Looking forward to the diagnosis as well.
You definitely have a pretty bad case of overwatering there. Back off on your watering - let the leaves droop a little between waterings. The yellowed/damaged leaves will not return to normal, but new growth should start coming in green. The plant might have something else, too, but overwatering will lead to brown spots and such, too, so start there. You might consider using an insecticidal soap on the leaves, in the meantime.