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Leaf issues

Yeah, I'm pretty much resigned to some leaf drop at this point. It isn't all bad though, one of my Cayennes lost almost all of its leaves during a storm but now it has bushed out and looks happier than most of the plants. I'll try the suggestions. Thankfully, it's only affecting about five or six of my plants right now. On the plus side, the forecast for the next week is drier, hotter, and sunnier. Let's hope it stays that way.

My Cal-Mag should be arriving in the mail next week. Since more of my plants are showing calcium issues (I don't think it's a pH problem; my pots are consistently in the 6-6.5 range), the nice weather combined with some much-needed nutrients will hopefully prompt new, healthy growth.

Question... I was planning on releasing some ladybugs to deal with aphids, but if I'm going to potentially be using insecticides/fungicides anyway, should I just hold off for a couple weeks? I'm assuming it can't be good for the ladybugs.
Not to point any fingers, but all of my Hirt's Gardens plants are infected, and the only other ones that are showing any signs of it are the plants right next to them, whose symptoms are currently less severe because they showed up later. I've moved them into solitary confinement until this clears up.
you may find a good spraying program will reduce
the amount of ladybug "food" available also

some of the problem may be slow growth related
try to keep up the "best" growing conditions you can (for all)

fungi are ornery :crazy:
keep fighting until they give up :eek: