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Leaf Question...

Hi everyone,
I seem to be having trouble with my pepper plants. This is my first time growing so I freak out every time something seems wrong. Haha! The leaves on my 2 trinidad Scorpion BT's seem sick. Well mainly just the bottom ones.. I'm fairly certain that there are no bugs on them (growing in a tent). I've looked all over them and don't see anything. The only bugs I've caught in there are just house flys that die as soon as i zip up my tent (due to the negative pressure). The lower leaves seem abnormally dry also. Could this be due to the fan that i have blowing on them 24/7? The plants seem to be growing fine. This leaf thing kind of concerns me though. please help!
well... i just took a piece of white paper and shook the leaves over it. 1 very tiny reddish bug landed on it. It jumped around and stuff on the paper. It was too small to take a picture of. Any idea what it might be??? I sprayed all of my plants with soap water. Hope this solves my problems
Tiny red bugs are often spider mites. Insecticidal soap will eventually get them, if they're not in too great of quantity, but you have to repeatedly spray for them. Google the spider mite life cycle.

That bottom pic - if those are pepper plants, they're getting too much water/nitrogen - that's what causes leaves to yellow like that. Let the leaves droop a tad before you water. The new growth will eventually come in green if you do that, but the old growth won't return to green. The plants will stay small and be low producers as long as they get too much water/nitrogen, so also check your fertilizer mix - you may need to switch.
Thanks guys! Also, the leaves aren't yellow at all. They are just under a 400 watt high pressure soduim light along with a 400 watt metal halide. It makes them look like that in pictures. Hopefully I can get rid of the spider mites.
Just out of curiosity, why are you running 800w 24/7 when there's ample sun, especially in your climate. Is the outdoor heat the factor?

Just out of curiosity, why are you running 800w 24/7 when there's ample sun, especially in your climate. Is the outdoor heat the factor?
Oops.........sorry, I saw the Mississippi and neglected to see the Montana
haha! yeah, summer is only like 3 weeks here. I've seen it snow every month. That's the only reason I'm growing indoors (plus i live in an apt.). I run the lights 17 hours a day.