leaf yellowing and some dropping off

i was over watering my plants at first and i started to wait until they wilted to water, I've noticed some of them starting to turn yellow and a couple have dropped some leaves off the plan. I'm kind of worried about what is happening.

other information is there still under 24hr t8 light, have been using a heavy fert but they havent had any since 4-5 days ago just water. we have ro water in town to all the houses and I've been using that, there is some chlorine added to it but i havent noticed it being a problem before, maybe just popping up now? 
I agree with RogueJim. No need to heavy fert plants that size. It takes a couple weeks to recover from over watering. It looks like your soil is still pretty drenched in those pics. I think the roots need to re-establish themselves. What soil mix are you using?
I went to the local green house near us and they didnt really have what i was looking for so i ended up purchasing a miracle grow soil. it seemed to work good, has decent drainage and whatnot. ill have to check for the exact type, dont remember which one it was off hand. the plants look drenched b/c i just watered them, i thought maybe they were yellowing because i waited to long to water them.. i dunno everything was going really great up until now. they were a nice dark green and the leaves we "full" looking.
Keep in mind chile plants like to be moist - think "humid" - rather than wet. Also, overwatering and keeping especially the surface of the soil too wet for too long makes the soil prone to the damping off fungus. In looking at the surface of the soil in those cups, it seems to me you have the beginnings of damping off. It will kill your plants if you don't eradicate it. First, scrape off the upper surface of the soil. Then, mist the surface of the soil with hydrogen peroxide, but try to avoid getting it directly on the plant. Also, if you don't have a fan on them, get one. It will help dry out the surface of the soil. Finally, bottom-water such that the water doesn't reach the soil surface - dip the cups into a bucket of water only so far down.
Let them be for a bit. I do the same thing and we all have man, loving too hard... Just monitor them and watch the soil conditions in terms of moisture, I wouldn't add any for a bit. Get a fan to blow over them, watch the ferts big time now or at least make sure of the ratios in the miracle fro you bought they all normally have fertilizer added, so don't want to get the beginnings of fertilizer burn!

Jist watch them, let them be a bit and they will come back to you. If they start getting really REALLY dark leaves you may have too much Phosphorus in the ferts you were using. They say your plants can never be too green, until their black... So just watch that as well.

Please keep us updated!
thx guys, ill watch them for a while and spray for the fungus. hopefully they decide to come back for me. thanks for all the input
Looks like to much water. My seedlings are in small containers.

I purchased these with no bottoms. It allows am to see how much water there is.
The pot has sufficient taper to hold the soil in.

I can also see when I have roots.

Do you have good size drain holes on the cups?