There are 2 parts to the "energy" photosynthesis is only 1/2 of it. The root system is the other part of it. look at Overwintered plants, some people cut almost all the leaves off and the plant still grows back. A small hand full of leaves at the base isn't going to hurt production, all its going to do is redirect the nutrient intake to other parts of the plant. In nature Pods are not meant to be harvested by humans
they are meant to fall and fertilizes the soil for the seeds and also be food for animals that will spread the seeds by pooping it out. Nature doesn't care if your pods are infested with bugs. Nature cares about perpetual growth.
The in nature argument doesn't always work. If it did we only be eating local plants
that we pick our self.
I am all for organic as you all know, but there is a difference between plants in nature and plants you are planing on eating. To be honest we are talking about maybe like 10 leaves total out of hundreds. I don't think you should be cutting leaves off a small plant, but for larger plants it makes plenty of since. You want plenty of airflow down there, or you are inviting mildew, bacteria, bugs, and all sorts of stuff. Think of it as good hygiene for your plants. If your plants have dreads like Ras Trent they may get bugs
I'm not talking about cutting off all the leaves up to 10", Im talking about just the ones that will be hitting the ground. I have a problem with snails at my house and that is one thing that compost tea doesn't seem to help so far. Those bastards will shred a plant over night. So every bit of protection helps.