Leaves going black, Whats the problem?

Still standing by the suntan opinions.
Here's some examples I just took from my grow. These are under T5HO, I just changed one fixture out for a T8 so I can use the T5 on another shelf. Just a few examples but quite a few have this coloration. It's nothing to worry about. Just a sign that lights need to be moved up a lil. Generally you wont' see this with T8s


This is probably the best example

Note how there's still a green patch where the other plants leaf was shading it
Terravexti said:
Are your leaves wilting at all? Pepper plants can wilt becasue of too little as well as too much water.
No, they don't wilt. I was thinking if there could be something wrong with the soil, but that would have affected the plants when they were younger as well. The really big problems started when I was topping the plants.
D3monic said:
Still standing by the suntan opinions.
Here's some examples I just took from my grow. These are under T5HO, I just changed one fixture out for a T8 so I can use the T5 on another shelf. Just a few examples but quite a few have this coloration. It's nothing to worry about. Just a sign that lights need to be moved up a lil. Generally you wont' see this with T8s


This is probably the best example

Note how there's still a green patch where the other plants leaf was shading it
Are you sure those plants aren't supposed to look like that?
I'll just drop in on the conversation after a long time since my last post. Think this picture will answer your question Bjornson:

A 7 pot Douglah seedling. Some of my other plants have the black spots aswell, but its pretty random (maybe the bad seeds are more likely to get them...I dont know). Some varieties I'm yet so see them on, tho - Chocolate habanero being an example (10 seedlings, all 100% green).  On the bad side: I do have the feeling these black spots slow the plant growth down a bit, from what I can see on some of my seedlings.  But with no fatalities :)
Bjornson said:

Are you sure those plants aren't supposed to look like that?
I wouldn't be posting them as examples if they was. First Photo is a 7pot BS. But I just realized you're not the OP and having a dif problem..try posting pics of yours as well so they can be better diagnosed. 
Hi all,
This isn't the same problem I was having but to save me creating a new topic. I thought I would re-use my topic :-)
My seedlings as they are today.



The ones that are concerning me, are the Prairie Fire ones below. The tips of some of the leaves are going dry and crisp(see pic) also it is harder to see on the photo than in real life but the leaves seem to have a yellow patchy-ness to them they was a lot greener that this before. is this a lack of nutrients?  I am now feeding the seedlings once a week on a chilli plant feed. It says on the bottle to mix 5ml per litre of water for young plants/seedlings and supply to plants weekly. I am using about 2/3 of that litre of mixed feed for all the seedlings above once per week.


Thanks in advance