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Leaves turning brown

Hey guys!

So I transplanted my plant into a bigger pot and I've been trying to slowly harden it over the past couple of weeks but I've noticed a few leaves smaller leaves falling off and the tip of some of the leaves have begun to brown. Any idea why this could be?

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Thanks guys!
Welcome, from a former Texan. (Ok, once a Texan, always a Texan....)

I'm actually more concerned about the color of the leaves, though that could be simply color quality. If the leaves aren't a lush green, but as yellow as they look in those pics, you're watering them too often. Allow the leaves to droop just a tad between waterings, as chiles prefer semi-dry conditions. If that's a plastic pot, you might want to see if you can drill more drain holes into it, too. The brown tips could be a combination of overwatering and stress from hardening off. If the color's fine in person, and you don't see any tiny bugs on the plant, the browning should stop pretty soon as the plant toughens up.
Thank you for your advice! I will ease off the watering, and see if that helps. Not sure about the color, it's green but its not a deep green. I've heard fish emulsion helps in this regard too?
No matter what you fertilize with, the leaves will continue to get yellowed (and can even get worse) if you continue to overwater. If you want to add fish emulsion when you water, though, that's fine.

One thing I forgot to mention, though..... the leaves that have already started to turn yellow will not likely return to deep green. However, new growth coming in will be green.
Fellow Houstonian here. We had some tough days last week. Overnight temps below 40 and very very low humidity. Before that the weather was looking like late spring, nice and warm so the plants weren't ready for the cold snap. A couple of my plants are showing similar stress, no worries.
So I took the advice and cut down on the watering. The plant seems to be doing alot better and alot more leaves are developing! The color seems to have improved as well.  

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