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seeds Leaves twisting on Jalapeno seedling.

This Jalapeno seedling's leaves are curling up for some reason... I have Another Hungarian Hot Wax that has the same thing just not as bad. I've noticed flies like to sit on both of them and not on the other ones. They are the only ones that have curling to the leaves. Could someone help me out? Is there anything I can do? Should I just throw it out?



miguelovic said:
Are you feeding it?
romy6 said:
 My guess it the soil is staying to wet and not enough sunlight . 

Sorry for not replying to this, but look all my plants are perfect and this one is twisted up. It can't be what I'm feeding it and it can't be over watering it because I water them all the same and feed them all the same...
just like people...not all of us are in perfect health.   Guess you have a sick patient....euthanize it I say
Streamer said:
just like people...not all of us are in perfect health.   Guess you have a sick patient....euthanize it I say
Yeah there were black/brown dots where the leaves were twisting.. My guess is that the flies that loved to sit on that plant brought something onto the seedling. The seedlings grew a little more and the ones touching the twisted one were also getting those dots and twisting their leaves. I plucked him out and cut off a little less than half of the leaves on the ones that were starting to twist on other seedlings. It's been a day and still no black dots and no twisting. I think I got rid of the problem.