Lee´s 2009 Grow season


Love that one. Too bad the 2 C.Lanceolatum's aren't growing anymore. 1 cm long and still have there shell on.
Planted new seeds 2 weeks ago, 2 of them sprouted. Sure hope at least 1 of them will make it
Looks like this is my final growlist 2009. Still have some hopes on that Rocopica.

C. annuum:
Bolivian Rainbow (germinated)
Numex Big Jim (germinated)

C. baccatum
Aji Cito (germinated)
Aji Cristal (germinated)
Omnicolor (germinated)

C.cardenasii x pubescens

C. chinense
Bih/bhut Jolokia (germinated)
Fatalii Yellow (germinated)
Madamme Jeanette (germinated)
Pimenta de Neyde (germinated)

Tabasco greenleaf

C. pubescens
Grif 9345 (germinated)
Hyper pube CAP 217 (germinated)

Wilde soorten:
C. rhomboideum C.rhomboideum (germinated)
C.lanceolatum C.Lanceolatum (germinated)
Chili Manaus C.chinense x frutescens
CAP1144 (germinated)

Repotted the plants that germinated in soil today. I will repot the RW/spare plants tomorrow

A Lance on RW, a few of them did not get the shell off and stopped growing. Looks like the shell on pic. below starts to crack

A Lance i transferred to soil. Looks like this one is going to make it. I can see the leaves. ;D ;D

btw my final list 2009.
Forgot to mention 2 Rocopica seeds germinated.
I got 2-3 plants/variety. Have some family members who are willing to grow some of my plants :lol::lol:.

C. annuum:
Bolivian Rainbow 3x
Numex Big Jim 3x

C. baccatum
Aji Cito 2x
Aji Cristal 3x
Omnicolor 3x

C.cardenasii x pubescens
Rocopica 2-5?

C. chinense
Bih/bhut Jolokia 3x
Fatalii Yellow 3x
Madamme Jeanette 2x
Pimenta de Neyde 3x

C. pubescens
Grif 9345 1x
Hyper pube CAP 217 3x

C. rhomboideum C.rhomboideum 3x
C.lanceolatum C.Lanceolatum 1-5?
CAP1144 1-2?
Thats what I've tried to select mild to hot peppers. Also considering color the flower/pod has. But most of all there all interesting chilli's. The worlds hottest, The worlds longest, The hottest baccatum ever measured, Most rare varieties.
A lot of fun to grow them :D
As far as I know Aji Cito is the hottest baccatum ever measured(2008-09-16) :D.

btw I got some smoked Aji cristal, the taste is sensational, who cares about hottest baccatum ;)
lee said:
As far as I know Aji Cito is the hottest baccatum ever measured(2008-09-16) :D.

btw I got some smoked Aji cristal, the taste is sensational, who cares about hottest baccatum ;)

Where was it tested, and do you know what the scovilles were?
Thx igg, but they are not that hard to get.. Have 3 of them and hope to harvest plenty of seeds :D

jp102 familiar name, aah CH

btw, very nice plant Pimenta da Neyde
